Integrates face-api.Js for face detection, landmarks.
Try this for the dots(you can do something similar for the box), it scales the location based on the ratio of the display Sprite and the video input:
-> System: Create object Dot on layer 0 at (JSON.Get("._x")×Sprite.Width÷(UserMedia.VideoWidth)+Sprite.X, JSON.Get("._y")×Sprite.Height÷UserMedia.VideoHeight+Sprite.Y)
Another fun thing to do (but it will _lag_) is to display dots on the live video:
-> System: Create object Dot on layer 0 at (JSON.Get("._x")×UserMedia.Width÷(UserMedia.VideoWidth)+UserMedia.X, JSON.Get("._y")×UserMedia.Height÷UserMedia.VideoHeight+UserMedia.Y)
If you still see something is not right, play with the ratio / offset: ×Sprite.Width÷UserMedia.VideoWidth+Sprite.X (I have sometimes seen mobile with 2X the expected resolution.)
Added another example with face points on video. There will be lag between video and facepoints due to processing time of Tensor Flow.
I checked the new example but the camera is not opening at all. I clicked on detect face n then everything stuck after showing my face once with green dots on it.
Thanks a lot, going to check it quickly. :)