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How do I add a Construct 2 in 3 Plugin?
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A Construct 2 plugin (which Is'nt .C2addon). Can it be placed in Construct 3? Okay. I mean plugin .C2addon or just folders with files, whatever, I need to know...

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Problems with C3 C2 purchase saving progress.
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My game now has a large number of players, I want to move to a new version of the Construct, but I will not work. You know why? When You have C2 Runtime and You...

  • 6 replies
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I learning a couple game event logic which I bought from Scirra Store. Most of them still using C2 Runtime, although it can be run on C3, but not fully use C3 R...

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I have an almost-finished game project on Construct 2 and I decided to import it to C3. The import was OK, but it brought me 2 problems: 1) The game was running...

posted 5 years ago
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Checking out Construct 3, from Construct 2
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While I understand the reasons the team went with the subscription model, I like most users aren't a fan of this. Especially as all my apps are going this route...

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C2 to C3 Tutorials/References
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Started looking at the Tutorials, but they seem to be the C2 tutorials updated for C3 (not a bad thing). But rather than go through all the remedial stuff again...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I convert from c2 runtime to c3 when the C3 project advanced settings have no runtime option? What's best practice to start converting from c2 to c3? Fir...

posted 3 years ago
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So I finally succeeded in removing all C2 third-party addons/plugins from an old project. Exported it to single file .Capx. The project still uses the old funct...

posted 3 years ago
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Translating custom changes of build-in plugin in C2 to C3
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I will try and see if I can explain this in a meaningful way. If not, please ask questions. I am taking over an old C2 project that needs to be converted to C3....

posted 3 years ago
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If Construct 3 fits my goals? (◕‿◕)
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I have a personal license and enough experience with Construct 2, but have never used Construct 3. For example, I made an application for study of English Irreg...

posted 2 years ago

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