Addon ID

  • BHT_Smart_Random



  • Download count2,094 total downloads
  • Latest download count 1,202 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average



This plugin generates non-repeating integers within a given range, and will cycle with a given threshold to not repeat within that threshold.

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  • Please Update it for SDK v2 🙏

  • blackhornet, I have few new features suggestions in this plugin.

    1) New random generation range with tags, Currently if I want more that 1 random number then I have to insert a new smart random plugin, instead we could generate new random range with tags So then we could use them using tags.

    2) add feature where a provided list of string will be generated randomly. I mean we can set a list seperated by [,] comma then plugin will generate random non-repeating text out of that list.


  • Plugin BHT Smart Random (BHT_Smart_Random) by David Taylor/Black Hornet Technologies uses the legacy SDK v1 which is deprecated. A future update to Construct will remove support for SDK v1 addons. Check if an update using SDK v2 is available for this plugin, or contact the plugin developer for support.

  • I have a question:

    I saw This Forum Post from a while ago, and saw down further in it, that you said that Ashley planned to add Midi Support in C3, which never came, and you said you would update it when there were more browsers that support midi, which is mostly all of them now.

    Would you potentially want to port this to C3, and add support for Midi there? I'm also having trouble finding a download link, and the only other midi addon for Construct is paid.

    Also, This is exactly what I want to do: Have a midi file upload.


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  • If we have tag feature, it will be more useful when u use this plugin for internal loops. SmartRandom.Next("TAG")

    • AdvancedRandom pretty much replaces this now, so I won't be making improvements. You can add additional copies, so it's possible to handle multiples now already.

  • 1.2 fixes the minification issue.

  • There is an error when I try to export in C3 build with minification (even with your demo project):

    /str/c3runtime.js:2757:4: ERROR - [JSC_REFERENCE_BEFORE_DECLARE_ERROR] Illegal variable reference before declaration: C3

    2757| C3.Plugins.BHT_Smart_Random.Acts =

  • You would want 4 instances, with a range of 1 to 40, if you want to pull cards from each category. Then you pull 4 cards from each instance. The threshold doesn't apply as you'd want to stop at 40 cards pulled, for each deck.

  • I Tried to use the plugin to pull a card out of 40 available from 4 different categories (so total is 160 cards).

    It doesnt seems to work the way I was excepting as if I just do a test with 4 cards in each category, the same card eventually come back again when I choose start:1, end:4, threshold:4 before other cards was pulled.

    Should I have 4 time each the same plugin in the project (one for each category) to solve this problem?

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