Wizard Adventure

Wizard Adventure is a survival adventures masterpiece.

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Wizard Adventure is a survival adventures masterpiece.

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  • $199 USD

    One copy of this game & source for a single user

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  • 1.0.0

    Released: 27 Sep, 2024

    Initial Release

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This Wizard Adventure game will challenge your capability to defend the enormous amount of attack throughout the whole game.

In the gameplay of Wizard Adventure there is a magical gem in a dark cave protected by some monster bats. One day a Wizard came to this cave by mistake and saw the magical gem and wanted to take it with him.After taking the gem the monster bat woke up and attacked the Wizard.

Main object of this game is to survive and save himself from those Monster Bats.When you passed a level you get to pick a new ability such as arrow,arc of daggers,revolving ball around the character,increase player’s movement,attracts pickup from much further distance.Be aware of the bat’s touch with the player’s body.It will lead to death.

If you like genres such as adventure, survival,quests or just want to have a good time then this game is for you.

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