Angel Of Archer

Beat the furious enemy Carl and his troops and save Jennie with great arching skills

Try in Arcade!

Beat the furious enemy Carl and his troops and save Jennie with great arching skills

Try in Arcade!
  • $199 USD

    One copy of this game & source for a single user

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  • 1.0.0

    Released: 5 Sep, 2024

    Initial Release

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Game story begins with Jack and Jennie having great arching skills, but one day Carl and his troops kidnapped Jennie in the absence of Jack.

Player has to play the role of the Jack and complete each level by using arching skills, kill mysterious Skull troops.

Explore the Dark world of Carl at last Player has to beat him to save Jennie.

Be careful! When passing over the boxes, avoid thorn plants and troops either game will be over.

Don't forget to collect the “Key” for reaching the next level.

If you like genres such as action, rpg, adventure, platform, quests or just want to have a good time then this game is for you.

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