mahe That could be a buffering issue. You could always display an image of the first frame of the video on the background.
allevlativ sounds like you need to look at using the Timer behaviour on your objects instead of using Wait in your event logic. Can you supply a capx?
bloodshot You could use blend modes: ... sp=sharing
Something Japanese sounding?
Celestial Charge
Hero Obsidional
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You could try having an instance variable in both the map object and the iso object that stores each others uid. You can then get a direct reference to the paired objects from both directions.
AnotherUser save the last spawned objects UID and use it in the condition for the movement.
go to layout "name of layout here"
PhaseWon you can decide when ads are displayed and hidden, but ads are always rendered on top of your app, for obvious reasons.
Leondr Your idea of 'masking' the transition with a separate animation sounds better to me. If the animation is ok but too slow, cant you just increase the animation speed?
Rco250jmx in your event sheet you can use 'set layer effect'. Choose the effect and choose to enable or disable it.
You can reference the x and y of image points, but as far as I know you cant set them in the event sheet.
Member since 25 May, 2014