Can you add the newer version to arcade?
I mean, YOu can upload it as a new game and have people look at your account (and end up seeing your other games)
You don't even need a loading screen. You simply can have an event that fires only if you use touch screen then teliports your buttons to a specific spot.
If it's going to change allot while developing, then have a base tile that you teliport your buttons to.
Teliporting might be better if your buttons still work while invisible and disabled or what have we.
Postion= devtile.
Mybuttun.size = devtile.height/ width.
In fact, it's good to do this, because like code, you don't want to have to go back and redo everything to make a small change, for every change.
All my upgrades and doors can be moved and changed without having to jack with the code. Just point and click.
Are you sure you don't want it pointing at the mouse? Because that and other things can be done.
No problamo.
I am routing for you and your game. Keep it up and don't give up.
I hope you went to the forums, because it's been a year.
Not that small. Great game.
Not bad. Have it like make your character faster each loop for play ability during early access or you loop on a power up of choosing, speed, jump height, extra jump, and then you can go to next level when you kill monster on platform or get gold which you can buy stupid, pointless hats with... or fire flower and do damage
oh yes hard mode super mario, use fire too much activatge sticky keys. woo. fun.
SO... you thought about turning this into a mario battle royal where you load into a random map and can't interact locally with players unless you get the star but can interact with items on the map (so like kill people with shells and eat the only shroom... or ignore and get ahead and win)? !00 player battel royal mario.
Okay. So here. You need a keyboard, or mouse (like you need to add object in the software); an object with behavior of a bullet.
Now that you have that, you can reference them in event. Here's how:
Add event keyboard> on button pressed> [you choose one] > spawn > [your]bullet > on layer main at image point 1 (it's nose)
Then bullet or spaceship> on collision with spaceship or bullet> space ship > destroy or subtract health (you will need an int value).
If you do health, you need another event that: if > spaceship.Health = 0 > spaceship > destroy> add score and stuff.
The layout itself should have properties, so you can minimize max height, and length.
You can also have spawning not happen while on screen, so you can make a line with stuff.
How do you control this?
Nice. Try making projectiles bounce off of walls with rebound, if you don't like that just have the harder version be a new game plus (Last portal starts you over?). You can have text displays on the ui show health. Just have global variable or player health variable and have it display status every tick. You need a text thingy whatever it's called, and put it on the screen on ui layer where you want it seen. Now you can add level, score, bad guys, or whatever else.
Not bad. Please dude, continue to work on this game. Usually this stuff feels grindy and gets old. This felt good and refreshing.
You need one more wave to where when you get the unstopable wizard army, your not unstopable until a little more experience.
Member since 26 Jul, 2020