Beyondgodd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Trying to up for the last time, if someome has an idea now :(

  • This kind of problem seems to happen pretty often... it's a bit scarry, even if I try to make backup every times.

    Any prevention to avoid this kind of major issue Ashley ?

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  • So any idea guys? I'm a bit desperate, I don't know how I can find a solution for that.

  • It's a bit more complex since the Text is supposed to appear letter by letter, I'm not sure it will work that way.

    The best way would be probably delete the old text and display the new one automaticly but I'm not sure that's possible...

    Something like this :

    (made with Fusion)

    Sorry if I'm not very clear.

  • I was able to open it once, thanks!

    That's cool but I'm not sure I can use it for my game, since I want that the scroll happen when the user click and not every time, not sure I can do it with your exemple :(

  • I really don't know why, but the project crash when I want to open it :(

  • Yes but how break at this exact point and having a scroll (or a new text line with the next message)

  • Saddly I want my Textbox BG to have a fixed size :/

  • Hey!

    I'm pretty stuck for my game. I want to have dialogues Text like RPG Game.

    I used the Text Object and I've Created a dialox box background with a fixed size.

    (full text is ""Hi! This is a very long message, but you should be able to fully see it")

    Problem is, when my text is bigger than the BV side, I don't know how to add a function to continue the text and scroll my BV if the player click.

    I was thinking about counting chars but since some chars are smaller than others (for exemple I or j ar smaller than W orM) it won't be perfect.

    I don't know if I'm very clear, but I hope you'll be able to help me.


  • Thanks for all your answers.

    For now it's going well with Functions, but I'll take a look if Timelines can do the job :)

  • Hey,

    Don't know if it's just me but since the last update I can't open Demonoire anymore, not even play it.

    Don't know if it's a bug or not...

  • Hey!

    I wondering what is the best way to create cutscenes in my 2D game?

    By Cutscene I mean having text displaying, moving characters, playing effect, etc...

    I don't want to have to do all this function manually everytime, you can quickly get lost, with the previous software I used, I was used to create some "Cinematics Tool Editor" myself and create all my fonctions, for exemple :

    Then in my game, I translate all the data to the right action.

    But it's not so easy with Construct to create some Tools/Editor, but maybe there is an easier way?

    Wondering if we can have something quite clean and functional with functions?


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