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  • If you're using asm.js physics, there's not much more that can be done to make it faster - it should already be about as fast as physics in a native engine.


    It works well in HTML5 games, but it works bad after export via IntelXDK and Crosswalk 10.

    Particles are already highly optimised and even very large effects should run well (this demo runs nicely on many of the mobile devices we have in our office, with ~800 particles).


    It runs 40 FPS and 60% CPU on my mobile device, but it is HTML5-demo.

    Export this demo to android via IntelXDK and Crosswalk 10 - I guess, you will get about 10 fps or even less.

  • I always ask to see CPU-bottlenecked .capx projects. Usually either nobody sends me any, they send such appallingly inefficiently designed games it is obviously just bad design, or they are actually GPU-bottlenecked. Please do send any good examples of CPU-bottlenecked games, so I can investigate if our engine needs optimising. I rarely see such examples though, which is why I have concluded most games are not CPU-bottlenecked.


    Well, most games that use physics, particles and pathfinding are CPU-bottlenecked.

    If it is really necessery I can send you .capx of my physics puzzle game "Tap & Clapp"

    But it's my commercial game that's why I want you not to send it to anyone else.

  • paradine - as I keep saying, many games we see are GPU bottlenecked, so would not run faster in a native engine.

    Ashley - but many are CPU bottlenecked, they would run much faster in a native engine, I guess.

  • If you could clone many Ashley for those native exporters, then it might be possible to have them.

    Very good idea, cloning Ashlay can really solve all our problems

  • Well, "native exporter" means two things, imho:

    1. It creates native app instead of creating container with portable brower and HTML5-game in it (NW.js and Intel XDK create such container, that's why apps are not as fast as they could be)

    2. It is not a third party product, because only Scirra can make it work perfect.

    I understand that it is very very hard to create native exporter - it's like creating another construct, but you can sell such exporters for extra money.

    I have C2 personal license, but I am ready to buy native exporters for extra money with pleasure. And I am not the only one, who wants native exporters and who is ready to pay for that extra money.

  • 1. Will it have native exporters to iOS/Android/Windows/Linux/OSx ?

    2. Will it have an opportunity to export game to flash format (.swf)?

    3. Will it have native physics engine?

    4. Will it have native 3D support?

    5. Will it support vector images?

    To cut a long story short:





    5 ???

    Will C3 support vector images like .svg?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • C2 is the best tool to make HTML5 games.

    But export to other formats is not native that's why games work bad even if they are very well optimised.

    For example, I created a physics puzzle game - it shows 60 fps on Crosswalk 7 but there is an alert from Google Play about OpenSSL.

    That's why I used Crosswalk 10 - there is no alert from Google Play, but the game shows only 30-40 fps and there are freezes every 4-5 seconds.

    Other example, NodeWebkit shows very bad performance if the user does not have Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributable installed on his computer.

    The game could run 60 fps on Google Chrome, but it will run 20-40 fps on Node-webkit if the user does not have Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributable installed on his computer

  • I think this topic should be on top before we get official answers.

  • "Our goal is to make Construct 3 the best game making editor ever" - it's cool, but what about the best game making engine ever?

    I think, best game making editor + best game making engine = best game making kit.

    If constuct 3 has native exportes, it will become the most popular kit ever, and Scirra will become the most rich devkit making company ever.

  • 1. Will it have native exporters to iOS/Android/Windows/Linux/OSx ?

    2. Will it have an opportunity to export game to flash format (.swf)?

    3. Will it have native physics engine?

    4. Will it have native 3D support?

    5. Will it support vector images?


    1. That bug was closed, because Scirra did not know how to fix it. But I suggested a very easy way to do it.

    2. This bug is not only in Intel XDK. It also happens with HTML5-games in many browsers.

  • There is a bug on some mobile devices with "use mouse input=yes" property of "touch" object - such devices think that touch is a double touch.

    There is an easy way to fix it - give "touch" object an action to switch on/off the "use mouse input" property.

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