Hello! I noticed that I can't type in anything in html input fields when I upload the game on scirra arcade. Does anybody know the reasoning behind it, and if it is possible to make it work?
For example, in my gamehttps://www.construct.net/en/free-online-games/gun-seconds-remix-43952/play, you can type in your name in the top part of the main menu. When on scirra arcade, I can't seem to type/erase anything.
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Oh, it works now! I had the physics world gravity set to the variable gravity, so it messed things up. Thank you! R0J0hound WackyToaster. It also works perfect even when I change the timescale!
Been trying it, no luck. I also tried WackyToaster's test and applied all changes you mentioned, but it's still not working?
Also, in the bonus, is the 60 in there frames? Does that mean I can't play around with timescale when using physics?
Thanks, I'll try to look into this, but if anybody else has ideas, please let me know. I'll mark the thread solved and post the solution here if I ever figure it out.
Pretty sure you can just customize that using css since it's just html iirc. That is why it changes depending on the browser or OS. Or you can just create your own progressbar with html element and customize that using css for more control / flexibility.
Use Enigma Virtual Box if you want it as a single exe file. More information here on NWJS wiki:
Enigma Virtual Box is a software that 'enables application files and registry to be consolidated in a single executable file'. It's free for personal and commercial use.
Thank you for this, although I'm still lost. Pretty new to the physics behavior, rarely use it. I tried to imitate the first example (Calculating trajectory speed using gravity and time of flight as constants), but I can't get it to work. I used set velocity for vX, vY. Am I doing it wrong? There's barely any movement.
I have a physics object that I want to launch towards a preset/target in an arc. It should hit the target in its downward path, preferably with the peak of the parabola at the midpoint of the origin and target. I also have a max and min launch angle. How can I calculate the impulse needed to make that happen?
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Try the Vector X values. If positive, it's going to the right, if negative, to the left. You can use this to trigger which animation to use.
Several ways of doing it, but the easiest from what you have is to just set the text in the event sheet and use newline
P.S. I know that's not css, if you want to use css, it's also possible.
No worries. Yep, that was the pick I was saying. For each cycles and picks one goomba at a time. Without specifiying a selection, the action applies to all instances.
Member since 23 Feb, 2020