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  • Here is an example project -

    If you're brand new to the engine, I definitely recommend familiarizing yourself with the beginner tutorial and concepts. While this isn't exactly a difficult mechanic, it does use a few behaviors working together, which may be confusing if you are not familiar with them.

    hi and apologies for the delayed reply, was traveling.

    thanks so much for the sample, i had a look at it....and although it does work on the "basic principals",

    it will not work when the mouse is just going at the edge of the screen! what all rts users are doing actually. you have to have the mouse over the borders, but when you are moving a bit more to the edges it will stop or if you move your cursor tooo fast even in full screen it will not trigger the evens always.

    by extending the border width i think it working much better all sides BUT not the buttom. in the buttom my cursor gets out of the scree (no double monitors or anything) and the scrolling never happens.... any tips on that? :)

    thanks again a lot

  • Try this beginner tutorial:

    It will teach you about the camera and the viewport ("window" border at the top left)

    coooool! thanks so much for this.

    this website has very bad google indexing, i cant find any of those tutorials when i google them.

    anyway. thanks so much! :)

  • .....While cursor is overlapping, move another invisible "camera" helper sprite that has the scroll to behavior enabled on the desired direction.....

    hi thanks for the reply...can you elaborate on the above a bit with a screenshot or a demo of Events?

    still just new in this only few days so i dont know all the controls and what they can do :/

  • hi

    so yeah how can i move the camera when my mouse reaches the edges of my screen?

    also how exactly a Layout is working and why the "window" border is always on top left? is this the camera? can this move? can i have huge Layout as "maps/levels?"

    thank you for your time in advance.

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  • no offence sharing shots is not the same like sharing the entire project/idea here....

    even if is my very first project is many hours of work into this and you never know who will take advantage of your ideas, they can be altruistic or make fortunes from your generosity :P

    if you wish to drop me an email i would gladly share it with you in private. :)

    my email is exactly the same like my nickname [at]

  • i found the problem.

    your solution is ok, but the location of placing those events is wrong :)

    you see in my screenshots i was putting them when the drop happens of the wall.

    but if i put that when the enemy actually get created during spawn this is working always 100%.

    and now in combination with the drag and drop if i want to use it in runtime and move the walls it also works!

    thank you.

  • hi i did it as you said. still doesnt work.

    the 1st time only it works when i click my reset the walls are not taken into consideration.

    i also tried it in c3 just to see if there is a bug in c2 latest release.....but nope. the same "problem"

  • i am forced to open this again because i was wrong. :/

    is driving me crazy so i give up for now.....unless someone points me to the solution.

    first of all forgive my various events i was trying everything i can think of and just to test similar events how the behave.

    to sum up,

    first run of the level if i drag and drop my solid walls the pathfinding works fine on my enemies.

    if i press the "reset" button i have made to start the level again from the start and then i move the walls again this time and from that time and onward, the new wall positions are ignored by my enemies!

    i clearly do something wrong in the "reset" button that i dont understand what and why is making the later drag and drop events useless. can anyone please find it based on my screenshot? :(

    remember this doesn't need to happen on runtime. just prepare your "defenses" before you start your game type.

    if you see stupid things here remember. just started this weekend with c2 :P

  • if i was using layers, doesn't that mean that i must have all my dialog sprites already preCenter from the designer?

    but yeah i guess if i have a lot or i know exactly where they should be layers is a good organized idea.

    but for now i just had this 2. Thanks a lot for the tip will put into good use!

  • thanks for the tip, but no it was not my "player"

    i just wanted to show a sprite with some nice graphics when you WIN the level or when you LOSE.

    just show the sprite in the center of the screen. i don't know if there is another way to a "message" like that :)

  • it happened search for results you make a post... you search again and find something that worked! damn it.

    for any other poor soles out there



    now why the name "scroll" will give you the center and who decided to not mention that in the documentation is beyond my understanding.

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Member since 22 Feb, 2020

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