Hey all,
I have a question on alerts that are caused by 3rd party plugins on cacoonjs.
When i preview my game on the cacoonjs app on android i get the ALERT
( Javascript error
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
WebStorage_common.js,line (col undefined)
This is either a bug in C2 or a problem in a 3rd party plugin or behavior...)
Now the thing is the game runs fine even tho the alert comes up, albeit the game starts only after 10s ( i'm not sure if that's normal while previewing)
Now i don't use any 3rd party plugins in my game but i do have a couple in C2. Do these alerts occur if i used the 3rd party plugin in my game or cause it's present in C2( and not used in the game).
And anybody know why the above mentioned alert pops up and how to prevent it?.
Sorry if i posted this in the wrong section