Potentially, but the focus is on games. It's game making software.
I´d argue that GUIs are part of games and some games can also be rather GUI heavy. Not every game is your everyday platformer/shmup/flappybird clone #2983481. I agree with Fengist here, great examples.
So from my side: Yes please, give us a way of layouting. Valerypopoff layouter thingy is ok-ish but I think this could be vastly improved upon by Scirra (considering they aren´t limited in what they can do with their engine)
As I sort of imagine it: A layouter object that behaves like flexboxes (flex container), with the ability to drag&drop sprites, text objects, etc. into it and have them align like items (flex items) and also the ability to put flexboxes into flexboxes. Of course with actions to add/remove/etc. items at runtime.
Or in other words just make flexboxes for Construct. This would be very convenient imo!