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  • Does anyone have an idea? <3

  • My first guess is that the engine does not know which InvSlot you are comparing because there was no overlap. You should use "for each -> InvSlot" and then have your check.

  • Did you try when the building is overlapping the player change building opacity with trigger once?

  • Hello!

    My buttons consist of two DrawingCanvas objects. One is in the background and is the border and the other one is the button. The border is the child of the button.

    But when the window size is altered then the border position will be messed. The button starts jumping inside its border. I uploaded a GIF, not sure if you can see what I mean.

    Depening on the current window size sometimes the button border will be 1 or more pixels smaller on one or two sides or sometimes completely gone on one or two sides.

    Here are some pictures because the GIF turned out very low quality:

    The fullscreen mode is letterbox scale. I tried all the other modes as well. I also tried pixel rounding or rounding the canvas objects positions on creation. With no avail.

    What can I do to let these two objects always pixel-perfectly maintain the exact same position relative to another?

  • In the second line the JSON path is wrong. The correct JSON path to set should be ".payload.qr_data".

  • Why should I even bother then?

    It is time consuming to write an elaborate review that has a high quality standard.

    I do not see a time stamp this was posted. Maybe it was 20 hours ago. Then most likely it already has 300 or more reviews. Even if it was posted just 30 minutes ago maybe my review takes longer to write because 105 people before me just write a 3 liner to be qualified.

    It would have been smarter if you chose 105 winners from all the reviews. That way you woulde have got way more than ~105 reviews.

    But perhaps it's just my opinion.

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • You can create a text object and set its text to JSON.Get(".yourstringlocation").

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  • Not sure if I understood what you want.

    Do you save Ajax.lastdata inside the JSON? Normally you would catch a response with Ajax and not with JSON.

    For "ignoring part of a string" you could use tokenat().

  • My first guess would be to use functions for this.

  • Thanks. That's a good starting point!

  • Hey there!

    I just wanted to know:

    How many kb/s (kilobytes per second) do you think are reasonable in a real time multiplayer game of around 8-10 people?

    I would like to know that per peer and then for the host.

    Currently I have one moving object per player and tested it with 7 players (1 host, 6 peers) and the host has about ~9-12 kb/s up.

    And there are still many movable objects missing.

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