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  • Heaps of ways to do this. Try

    or something simple like this:

    Create sprite object for the bar with width=100. set origin image point to left.

    Create variable Grow = 0

    On Start Layout -> set sprite width 0

    mouse click on button -> set grow = 1

    Every X Sec and Grow = 1 -> add 1 to sprite width

  • Hi All

    Just received an email from Samsung Seller Office, from 1 July you have to submit an app using their Samsung SDK to the Samsung app store. Does this mean we can't submit our C2 built apps on the Samsung app store anymore?


  • Problem Description

    A couple issues, the first was with R169, after pressing the Twitter button on an Android device it would open Twitter in Full Screen and you can not go back or close without ending the task. Maybe the 'Open In New Window fix' (introduced in R169) could be applied in this case for Twitter?

    I wanted to test the above issue with R170 build but now the Twitter button is not displaying on Android OS Crosswalk build at all.

    Apologies if this is not a bug!

    Attach a Capx

    Just a blank empty capx project with twitter plugin added.

    Description of Capx

    twitter button added

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 Start New Project -> Blank Empty Project
    • Step 2 Insert new object -> Twitter button
    • Step 3 Leave Twitter Properties as Default (including Initial Visibility: 'Visible')
    • Step 4 Place on layout anywhere
    • Step 5 Open Intel XDK (build 0876) -> Start New Project
    • Step 6 Save C2 Project then Export using Android (leaving default export options)
    • Step 7 Refreshed File Tree in Intel XDK -> Go to Emulate Tab -> Noticed no Twitter Button
    • Step 8 Build using Crosswalk for Android
    • Step 9 Test the ARM Build on Android device -> Noticed no Twitter button

    Observed Result

    No Twitter button displayed on Intel XDK Emulate or Crosswalk for Android (ARM) Build

    Expected Result

    Twitter button displayed.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)
    • Only on Intel XDK emulate and Android OS (S3 with 4.3)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    R170 64-bit

  • Looks addictive

  • Awesome! Still trying to get past level 4 lol

    how did you enable the move to SD option in application settings? I didn't think that was possible with c2?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Great game, i like the concept. It's got good addictive potential and the music suited the gameplay.

    just one thing I couldn't press back button to exit.

  • Hey everyone,

    I have created a few apps with Construct 2 - Crosswalk, since purchasing it in February. Still learning the art of creating a good game. It is a bit hard not being much of an artist and having a full time job! But have a look and test them out Thanks to Scirra/Ashley for a great product and support, it's good fun creating these games!

    1. Flappy Hippo - my first app - another flappy bird game

    2. Gem Tap - my latest one - similar to Don't touch the white tiles. This one I like the best even though it was the simplest to create just in a few days.

    3. Kitty Rescue - My third app, I tried to experiment with physics/ragdoll effects picking the kittys up and dropping them in a basket, using the force=ma as a measure how hard they are placed in the basket. It is kinda hard to play if you don't read the steps in the description

    4. Grab 'a' Bug - little platform game, your a purple spider and just collide/pick up bugs and feed them to the black mother spider. Used some physics on the trapdoor.

    Check them out here from Google Play Store:


    MrCopArms (aka DevDan)

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Member since 17 Feb, 2014

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