Danwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • Con Normal Mapping be converted for C3?

  • Is there a version for c3?

  • After updating to NW.js v0.29, my game does no longer show any webgl effect and runs extremely poorly! Am i missing something?

  • In general, anything you don't use doesn't affect performance. It sounds like a better idea just to change the settings of one behavior though.

    Thanks Ashley, i guess i'll just change the settings in the event, it happen once every X seconds so it'll not affect performance much i hope.

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  • I know this seems like a silly question, but...

    In my game, an object needs different LoS configurations. I'm not sure if changing LoS parameters in the events (range, obstacles etc) when necessary, or just add multiple LoS behaviur to each object. Does just *having* multiple LoS (even if not used in the events) affect performance at all?

  • I've noticed a huge performance decrease from v0.24 (affecting 0.25 too)

    Anyone noticing it? Can someone confirm?

    UPDATE: basically, versions 0.23.6 and previous ones, and also 0.24.0 beta1, are NOT affected by this problem. 0.23.7 and 0.24.0 onwards are. Seems like the problem is not related to chromium, but is caused by an update (maybe to Node.js?) made around 20 july...

  • It's probably less confusing to users if you stick to the supported version on the forum.


    Which is exactly the one that's more CPU intensive, assuming you don't revert back to 0.23.0 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes">

  • NW.js v0.24.0 (stable) is more CPU intensive than a previous version.

    The Beta1 from june 15, from my tests, uses much less CPU.


    Just a warning, i don't know what's the reason, but i reverted back to Beta1 and stick with it until next version comes out <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes">

  • Danwood since Chris hasn't been online for almost a month now, I'll just provide a link to the version that was in my effects folder:


    Thank you!

  • Thank you Ashley!

  • Usually NW.js updates are checked and released (if they work) within a couple of days. You've been really quick off the mark here, I've hardly just got in to the office since it was released

    lol xD i'm pretty addicted to refreshing the NW page

  • NW.js v0.23 stable is released, but it doesn't run when copied to the exporter folder (as i usually do to update in advance).


    Ashley is the official C2 adapted version coming? Or is there an easy fix for the one from the NW site to make it work with C2 r244?


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