Render cells and behaviours

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  • 4 posts
  • Do behaviours like DragDrop (disabled) or Pin (unpinned) affect performance if applied to sprites intended to be optimized on render cells layers?

    I know behaviours are applied every tick to the sprite, making the render cells ineffective as trade-off in performance, but does this also applies to disabled behaviours (or unused pin)?

  • Render cells are an optimisation that makes it easy for the engine to tell if an object is on screen, and only draw it if it's on screen. They only affect drawing though. Things like behaviours and events need to be applied even if the instance is offscreen, otherwise you would have unpleasant side effects.

    The exact effect that behaviours have depend very much on what they do. When disabled the Pin behaviour doesn't actually tick. So it doesn't have any cost. DragDrop only updates during a pointer event ( mouse down, touch start, etc. ) so it's not directly related to ticks. Disabled DragDrop behaviours are ignored during the pointer events, so the cost is pretty negligible.

  • Disabled behaviors are not ticked, so they have no impact on performance. However this has nothing to do with render cells, which is a drawing optimisation that does not involve behaviors in any way.

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  • Disabled behaviors are not ticked, so they have no impact on performance. However this has nothing to do with render cells, which is a drawing optimisation that does not involve behaviors in any way.

    I see, so just moving the object or changing Z affects render cells. Thank you!

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