kennys killer you made me cry again
kennys killer you made me cry
you mean too low?
what do you mean
santa is
No. I made this from scratch, by myself. I know that they are very similar, but this one is completely mine.
Nice game with a cool concept. I enjoyed it!
20/10. THis is best game is ever made.Sanc radce maro magamern yes is so good i live conrtoles sis so good and very yes wow. best game wvever player yow sojould put tis osn steme and i woudl pay 1010100 doleres sto buy the ver god maro mageman sonk race game
awww man...
Thanks a lot! I plan to make an actual game using these mechanics in the future, maybe a shooter like Doom. (if I can figure out how to because im a dummy)
I love how you can see the other adventurers from below on one adventurer's screen. Cool idea, but kinda hard to play.
Cool game with a unique twist. It is also quite addicting, good job!
I know this comment is..uh.. a little late, but this game is really good! The mechanic of santa getting heavier turns out to be really fun, and the hidden presents are also fun to find. The levels also have a lot of variation, and you really feel a sense of exploration. Overall, this game is very good.
That's strange, the game loads for me. It might have something to do with your internet.. I'm not sure.
Member since 9 Sep, 2019