Cascade Games's Recent Forum Activity

  • Work on fonts. And again, focus now on promotion part.

  • Oh my god! It is a very beautiful game. Keep it up

    Start working on promotion part now

  • DiegoM Banner ads overlapped content before as well. Its up to the developer to make sure nothing is placed behind the banner. The way it is now is NOT a bug. I repeat it is not a bug.

    I was also confused regarding this.

    BTW won't would it be great if this happens? Maybe as another feature so that current users implementing banner are not affected. I mean it would be so easy to implement banner ads without caring about anything else (like specially designing games for implementing banner ads). It would significantly increase revenue of existing game developers

  • Ads will overlap. Therefore, you should arrange your objects in such a way that they don't interfere with the ad. Be aware that Apple and Google have rules that prohibit you from purposely placing buttons close to the ads to prevent accidental clicking. (even though I've seen many still do it) ;)

    Thanks for the reply

  • Hi,

    I am thinking about using banner ads in my project (I haven't used banner ads earlier). I am having few doubts regarding it:-

    The size of my game is 720x1280. If I add banner ads, will it overlap content of my game,or will it itself shift below the content so that it does not overlap the content? If it does, this means that size of my game will change?

    Thanks in advance

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  • I just did a debug APK build and it worked fine. So I can't see that anything's wrong with the build server here.

    Can you give a check to error log in the build server? Maybe you get some clues

  • Same issue. Mine shows "Build Failed" and size of project is around 80 MB

    Ashley ,don't take me wrong but build server should be robust. There may be some urgent need for someone to compile something

  • Just make a function that sets the values of the global variables you want to change. Don't overcomplicate it!

    There are more than 200 mini games inside a single game. So...

  • > Sorry for a random question

    > Why many don't use Construct 3 online APK service to make apps? Few clicks and APK is made


    > Is there some extra advantage on manually making APK file?

    The standard Cordova builds are not compliant with Google quality standards.

    For example: native GUIs (like popups) uses deprecated themes. The Back-button doesn't work. The (fallback) icon is created incorrectly. All those things must be amended manually before building the APK.

    edit: also for analyses reasons, since it is very easy to investigate logs while running you app in AS.

    Sorry but what is fallback icon?

    And is it very tough to do these things? I have never even touched AS

  • Sorry for a random question

    Why many don't use Construct 3 online APK service to make apps? Few clicks and APK is made

    Is there some extra advantage on manually making APK file?

  • > Code will detect the variables declared in the current event sheet and reset only them

    No, this is not possible, because global variables are not really assigned to event sheets.

    Maybe if you add a specific prefix to a group of variables (for example EnemySpeed, EnemyDamage), you will be able to loop through all variables with this Enemy* prefix in a script. But still I don't think it's possible to get their default values to reset them to.

    Yes, there is prefix in variables allocated for every different event sheet.

  • Isn't there some way through scripting that I can accomplish this?

    For example:- Code will detect the variables declared in the current event sheet and reset only them

    Anyway, super thanks for trying to help me. I think that I should apply for new feature

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Cascade Games

Member since 31 Jul, 2019

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