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  • Awesome ! I will give 3D another try now that this is possible.

    Thanks for the file :)

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  • Hello :)

    To complete the previous answer :

    1. Remove the fog effect from the layer
    2. Add the same fog effect on both layers (game and billboard)

    It will almost be perfect, but I noticed that if the sprite is in front of the camera, it will remove the fog effect in the transparent areas of the 3D box. Don't know how to fix that yet !

    Also I'm glad someone uses the addon I updated with the 3D camera !

  • The issue is that the 3D camera rotating on itself (like in a FPS) doesn't impact the direction the sound is comming from.

    Did anyone managed to solve this ?

  • Hello :)

    Is it possible to hear a positioned sound correctly depending on the angle of the 3D camera ?

    Example : object is in front of me, if I move my camera on the right side I should hear my sound from the left side

    Thank you !

  • Hello,

    you can simply use the condition "compare 2 values" which can be found in System. In the first value, enter the distance between the player and the object :

    distance(Player.X, Player.Y, Object.X, Object.Y)

    then sets your comparaison type and finally the value to compare, which is going to be a distance in pixels.

  • Small update :

    I tried as much options I could and unfortunately I did not find a solution. It's a shame because I really love the features that the official multiplayer plugin gives and pretty much all the multiplayer logic of my game is done but I can't fix this specific issue by myself (I'd have to disable local input prediction which can creates massive input lag as the peer is waiting for the host response to move).

  • Hello rafaeltrigo,

    First, thanks for the help ! Unfortunately, I managed to recreate the issue on your project (peer managed to get on a platform when on the host side it was still on the platform bellow).

  • Hello,

    I'm currently developing a multiplayer game that is already quite advanced. I was using the Photon plugin to handle the multiplayer, but after seeing the costs benefits of p2p and all the other features of the official Multiplayer plugin, I decided to switch.

    Pretty much everything works perfectly and is super smooth, but one issue remains.

    I first thought it was a bug, and you can see my bug report here. Here is the c3p I submitted (needs R215 at least)

    Basically, I'm using local input prediction for the peers, so it can hide the lag and prevent cheating. But, if a peer collides with a solid, it still tries to move a little bit, when it's completely stopped on the host side. On collisions around solids corners, it sometimes makes the peer moves past the object when it reality it should've stopped right away.

    Here are 2 gifs that show the issue.

    I tried to make so the collisions are disabled on the peer side and only rely on collision detection done by the host, but it makes the peer going almost entirely into the wall (like noclip) before going back to his normal position.

    My question is : has anyone done a multiplayer game using collisions and knows how to fix this issue ?

    Thanks :)

  • That's what I thought, thanks for the info !

  • Hello,

    I'm currently working on a top down game with a few positioned sounds, and I noticed that some sounds are "cracking" when played at an object / position. It is quite annoying since I heard it's a chrome issue and never got fixed, so the bug occurs in NW.js as well, but not in Firefox.

    Since I want to publish my game using NW.js, I'd like to know if anyone knows a tip to make the cracking quieter ?

    Thanks :)

  • Hello,

    I'm currently making a realtime topdown shooter. The project is pretty well advanced, but here are my "issue" :

    Right now, I'm using the NW.js export with an updater to distrube my game. It's good, but I'd like to be abble to play it in my browser. But...

    If I switch tab in a browser, the game pauses (obviously that's normal and can't be turned off for performance issues) but this mess up my realtime game timers.

    Do you have any tips to handle this ?

    Thank you

    Here is the game if you want to check it out :

  • Hello,

    in the manual on the "Browser" plugin page, I saw 2 things that really interest me :

    • Is downloading update
    • On update ready

    However I can't find it

    I have the R239, and from what I found those conditions where in C2 years ago. Were they removed ?

    If yes, what is the best solution to force my game to update without having to use the nw.js export and an updater ?

    Thank you

    Edit : just saw this ->

    Changes in offline support :

    [quote:357r8idj]Because the new system works differently to the old one, we've deprecated the Browser plugin's 'Is downloading update" and "On update ready" conditions. These only work with AppCache.

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