DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • yip - probably doing maintenance...

  • Answer is no I'm afraid. Backups Backups Backups (I'm just as guilty) going to backup now. Dropbox and Copy and External

  • lennaert

    Oh, wow, thanks man. Will go through it this afternoon while wife watches her 'series' and the little one sleeps.


  • I don't think it would be that easy , as microsoft isn't as indie-friendly as you think ... I don't think they would accept any game that easily

    Very true, however XBOX ONE is supposed to be a lot friendlier to indie developers (A whole lot friendlier) Well that is what they have been saying because developing for XBOX has been a nightmare in the past, and caused lots of frustration.

    More and more folks are realizing the power / demand of indie developers, so fingers crossed.

  • Love it - very fast though - lol.

  • Agree with lennaert, have new messages insert at top. So to view last comment you have to scroll down.

    I'm using this for board game info box of last player, dice thrown, cards drawn etc all the way to start of game.

    Works wonderfully

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  • I want a favorite button to favorite some forum posts - lol, I don't need recognition, just the ability to bookmark some awesome folks golden nuggets.

    This would help in improving feedback, because when commenting on a topic you can quickly pull up that topic you had in mind. :)

  • As long as your using a dedicated host (not private single server) Generally, good webhosts have so much capacity nowadays ....

    And not VPS.net lol, 4gig ram with them is equavalant to 1gig elsewhere. I was with them for over a year and it was the worst experience ever. I also had mediatemple, etc and could compare very accurately that VPS>NET suck.

    I like wpengine at the moment(I favor wordpress as cms) and those guys can sure take on some serious server load. And one less thing to worry about - updates, caching, etc etc etc. Guess you get what you pay for.

    Agreed, good times, and only getting better.

  • A good server with above average specs should handle a hundred or so no problem.

    A 1000 or more players. Load balancing and server clustering - Probably Load balancing switches. I'm not an expert in this :) would be needed.

  • I did restart to refresh, but I refreshed at another point in maze.

    As for ajax request being expensive, if you got a good server it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Obviously if it goes into thousands players, it should get problematic.

  • Cool, got 1 kill. Damn walls/maze takes forever to get out - ha ha.

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