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  • Found chrome api:

    android chrome demo It works. Cool. Chrome full screen api

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I am very keen to have full screen without bar.

    oops, will read ashleys response...

  • Look at this...

    Tutorial Demo capx

    The whole tutorial can be found in the tutorial section

    But like I said if you using texbox then its with the y axis self.y - ???. Haven't figured that out myself.

    But have a look at the example I posted. It is exactly what you want.

    What games? Dice games / card games etc / space games / anything that wants a newest in oldest out.

    But your way works too, seen it in mmo games etc. THey do same thing, just opposite direction.

    3.player one .... etc

    2.player one picked up a card

    1.player one rolled a 6

    0.start game

    A better search word is "event log"

  • You can't change the box to transparent, etc.

    Yes you can :)

    Set css

    "background" "transparent"

    "Border" "0"

  • Plugin


    you can use the append text, that inserts text to bottom, and all you need to do is scroll view to last line. There is an example somewhere in forums on how to do this with x/y axis and text box if I recall correctly.


    Most games I play have newest entry at the top and ability to scroll down all past game events.

  • roracle

    When you add text... do it like this..



  • Very doable now already, but you will need to have accumulated a couple 1000 hours of actually using construct 2. Basically, you need to be a pro user, not a beginner.

    But, we all start as beginners, and even the pro's don't know everything. We are all limited to what we have as experience.

  • Best answer ever...

    Performance, as in the framerate, is largely unrelated to the filesize/memory use and depends on other factors such as quality of the Javascript engine, CPU speed and memory bandwidth.

    Whether or not the game will run out of memory depends on the system. Mobile devices use a different memory architecture to some PCs: they share RAM between the CPU and GPU. So textures are stored in the same memory as everything else. However and old desktop machine, or a system with a low-end dedicated chip, might have 128mb of dedicated video memory (VRAM). In that case textures are stored in VRAM for better performance. Sometimes images can also be stored in RAM as well, but I'm not sure about the specifics - I think some systems don't support that. So if you have 2GB of RAM and 128mb of VRAM on your graphics card, you might only have 128mb of memory to use for images. Compare that to a tablet with 1GB of shared memory, 256mb of which is free - you can use all 256mb for images.

    So in some cases a low-end desktop might have less image memory available than a mobile device, because it has limited discrete VRAM for textures. I think most modern desktop systems either share RAM with the GPU like mobiles do, or have ridiculous amounts of VRAM (2GB+). So in practice you'll probably be fine, but it's best practice to keep image memory down to ensure old systems don't run out of VRAM, and to improve performance (since any images spilling over to RAM will render slower than those in the faster VRAM).

  • I was sometimes working with 4000px by 900px backgrounds. Is that going to fly?

    Nope, gonna crash and burn. Not because it's slow, but because you'll run out of memory guaranteed. Even my pc will run out of memory (Custom built beast of a machine). Its the way pc's are designed.

    Suggest you read this Remember not to waste your memory

    Edit: C2 beats GM hands down on the html5 performance wise. And I think C2 shines with desktop applications. The other exporters, as with all other competition, is pretty ugly and clanky.

  • I found this...

    Animal Sounds with toddler lock

    Slightly different to toddler lock in you drag a key to a lock.

    When lock is activated, start a service, and stop it when lock is deactivated

    The service checks the top running app, and if it is not games activity, the service launches game activity

    From what I understand there was an issue that when the user clicks "home", it takes about 6 seconds before activity is launched again. To bypass this, when the service detects that another app is visible, it adds a top view (as an alert window) that covers the home screen for the few seconds it takes the app to re-launch.

    Anyways, here is the code : Was updated dec 2013

  • bremen

    Very keen on this too, have you made any head way?

  • It's not the future! It's already the present :)

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