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  • I thought I'd try 213 (beta) and that works, though it seems that 212 and 212-2 are the problem versions.

    It is very odd!

    beta 213 fixed the windows 10 exporter - shrugs?

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  • I've just tried uninstalling 212-2 and installing 192, that works fine.

    Then it isn't your pc at all. Hence, I am stumped. It is something specific to construct and that version and user permissions or as ashley says "elevated permissions".

    I haven't a clue. I am running windows 10 and not having same issue. Albeit, I haven't used C2 much last couple weeks.

    This is strange indeed.

    There is a lot of windows 10 features added in recent releases, but I can't comment on that.

  • Tried the tweaking thing, and a reg clean but still getting the same errors

    Seriously? Oh, wow. How can that be?

    New beta works?

    Umm, actually, have you installed a version prior to r212.2? And it works or doesn't?

    If it works, then I am stumped.

    If it doesn't, then you will need to uninstall, and remove all trace of the software manually and try install again.

    This is the worst kind of issue... and the problem is, that it might have started with construct2, but can start spreading to other software [No attacks you know of, no recent downloads, installs, firewall warnings, anti virus warnings etc] (I'm pulling at straws)

    Sorry I'm not much help.... but this is weird... tweaking should have sorted all those issues

    It is too parts:

    1) Honor system: BUT most games don't earn any real money - (6 months hard work for about $100). And if you earn $5,000 everyone will know about it - because nobody else is earning

    2) For the unhonorable men and women of this world... they have their ways and they will catch you, and they will find you and they sure aint going to tell you how either... why would they.

    Use the honor system, and then you don't have to worry about number 2.

  • I had similar issues awhile back. Running tweaking.com I recommend these guys if you don't know how to custom write your own script and their little free program basically restores permissions as they should be, fixes registry etc etc etc long list. Be sure to follow each step. i.e backing up registry files, running a malware scan, system restore etc etc.

    It worked for me... but my issue was bigger than that eventually. I found I was getting blue screens often, and I eventually tracked down 30bytes of corrupt memory sector, that believe it or not, when a program accessed it, it would then corrupt what it passed onto disk. So my only solution was to buy new memory, and start with a new disk (got a solid state and never looked back) Of course, my issues vs yours won't be the same.

    BUT, for some unknown reason your permissions are broken (this can be a result of so many things - even malware)

    Try tweaking.com windows fix software. It doesn't do anything, except restore everything to what it should be - it even checks your windows installation to ensure no files have gone missing etc etc. Very nice program.

    I used it for 7, and windows 8. I haven't used it for windows 10, but I am sure it will be just as good, they might even offer some options to deactivate all the tracking stuff of windows 10 - (Windows 10, worst release yet as far as security)

    [quote:ug0thhad]Tweaking.com - Windows Repair is an all-in-one repair tool to help fix a large majority of known Windows problems including:

    Unhide Non System Files

    Repair problems with .lnk (Shortcuts)

    File Association


    Windows Firewall

    Internet Explorer

    Windows Installer (MSI)

    Hosts File

    Policies Set By Infections


    Winsock & DNS Cache

    Proxy Settings

    Windows Updates

    CD/DVD Missing/Not Working

    Reset Registry and File Permissions

    Register System Files

    Remove Temp Files

    and more...

    A quick look, I didn't see windows 10 support


    [quote:ug0thhad]All default permissions for 7, 8 and 10 have all been updated after the windows updates where done for the patch Tuesday of this month (Aug. 2015)

    Okay, seems they added support

  • [quote:2bvfnv65]CreateProcess failed; code740

    I believe this means that you don’t have the correct “rights” to perform the operation.

    First Try disable UAC <---hate this bloody thing lol.

    See if that works. And that will highlight if that is the issue or it could be registry files, etc etc

    I know you uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Did you do a reboot between the two? Uninstall. Restart. Re install. Restart. Note the restart.

  • You starting a 'New' project use the replacement option called local storage.

  • if you have Personal license yes you can. You can even put it on a usb stick

  • Pro Git - its free and here is an articlehe wrote on it.

    Basically workflow you have two branches that always exist, master and develop.

    master represents the most stable version of your project and you only ever deploy to production from this branch.

    I liked Scott Chacon approach and seems better suited to small teams.

    I've used github, but not extensively enough to be of any use to you. I was on and off a number of small teams, but I've never needed to be in the driving seat of actually setting it up and doing any heavy lifting other than creating a branch, and having someone else then merge that branch into the develop.

  • Took me 1 sec to google and find

    [quote:26ceng3r]Try it in the Free edition

    You can even try out the Multiplayer feature without a license! Download the Free edition and get started. However note you cannot export projects using the Multiplayer feature with the free edition. Purchasing a license and then you can share your multiplayer games with the world!


    And it is as clear as day here in the limitations of free edition.

    If you use any free(limited) program, you always check what the limitations are - that is the goto place for every piece of software - it helps you decide if you want to purchase it, if you need to purchase it etc.

    Because you failed to do what, everyone one else does isn't scirra fault, and lets be honest here, if you are annoyed, best be annoyed at yourself.

    BUT, I understand your frustration, but you have to understand that scirra can't give away all the best features for free, they are already being more than generous with the current free edition.

    And when using a limited free edition, it is your responsibility to actually check the limitations (which have been publicized extremely well - took me 1 sec to get the facts). And its common knowledge that free edition (DEMO VERSION) will have limitations. Scirra also right from the first mention of multiplayer said that it was strictly going to be for paid versions, that is all their press releases etc.

    If you are a student, then why not investigate get your school involved - very affordable for schools.

  • Sorry guys, I have hit road blocks every single step of the way.

    1. Cant upload from my home IP address, but from my FTP and dropbox it works fine. I feel like i am being blocked.

    2. Got bumped off the newly added thumbnail list on my first day. Nothing done to make it fair for me. Just a promise that future customers will not be treated like I was.

    3. The sale I set up went down in flames for some unknown reason, splitting the page into 2 pieces with broken images.

    4. The new price i set up has been reverted to the original price. and images fixed after Ashlie's post.

    I could believe 1 or 2 of the above happening at random to me, but not every single step. I feel I have been sabotaged.

    I payed just as much as every one else and i still have nothing to show for it. Every single feature i have tried to use has has some "odd" behavior that no one else is seeming to be experiencing.

    1) This is unfortunate - it could be Tom blocking an IP range to handle spam and your IP falls in that range.

    2) Newly added - this issue you will have no matter what, I think a random shuffle feature is fair - hope Tom makes a note of that.

    3) Can't comment on that one, something Tom should look into

    4) I did see your discount price, without the sale sign, then it reverted to original price.

    I can understand your frustration, and when selling this way, frustration is inevitable. Nothing is smooth sailing. But that doesn't excuse things not working. Didn't help either that it was weekend, and nothing could be fixed/sorted.

    Chat to Tom, and hope you guys come to an arrangement.

    I know you are young Ahmad Aziz, and I know C2 has been good to you and this is how you try to repay all its done for you. You should be ashamed.

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