DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • For each enemy to get enemy.uid

    Use a function callback and make the function.param the uId of the enemy

  • I don't understand how it can be irritating having to set the array dimensions. Do you expect it to know what dimensions you want by magic ;/

    Lol, I develop my array as I go, and forget to increase it's dimensions, and can't access new data.

    I load it via json, and forgot to update the dimensions to reflect new changes - my array is always a work in progress, adding more and more width/height/depth etc... so my changes don't reflect because I failed to update the dimensions. This is what irritates me, "the oversight on my part", wish I could just magically have the numbers appear - lol

    Insurance companies know they can beat my current insurance company, they will even give me a detailed comparision, for free so why can an array not know its own dimensions - (yip just got called again... Argh!)

  • All of those questions can be answered if you read my first few posts DUTOIT .

    I did, and that is why I wanted to clarify... Did you use the systems scroll to because it didn't work with other systems? or did you use behaviour which just works, got nothing to do with systems.

    A capx example might be better.

  • what blackhornet said. I do this often. Very irritating that I have to manually set the dimensions either via properties or via eventsheet.

  • I guess that makes sense DUTOIT ty. What about the problem with my game hanging, any more ideas guys?

    Sorry, can't picture it. But are you *dt?

    Which scroll to you using? The behaviour or via system. Because the behaviour is the one you want... its just about enabling it. Nothing magic. It just works.

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  • But they will surely choose the free version anyway, and already there, find out the limits of their available time and skills. They will not throw € 100 for a personal license anyway. And noone says it should be possible to cancel after 1 month; typically, you're bound to the subscription for ½ - 1 year.

    Chargebacks, and all other nasties are used. Impossible to tie anyone into a subscription without following legal action which costs $$. Not a viable option for a small business.


    Well, in my view, it's not a good business if people don't buy it at all, and instead opt for the one time fee. If noone buys in on the subscription, then there's no reason for having it, and all maintenance costs for this business plan turns to expenses without any profit to counter balance.

    Its very good business, and geared towards business. I'd rather pay $75 a month than pay $1500 once off, and write it off as buseness exenses. Remember, unity is for businesses or indies, not for hobbyists. Hobbyists always moan about the price, businesses, indies rationalize it against what the tool does for them.

    One of the big rules of business. Don't sell to everyone, sell to the right someone.

    It takes 2 years to turn a profit in most businesses, that is if you aren't bootstrapping it. And the bills still roll in. Expenses are part of the game, and the counter balance isn't unity's issue, they got their own expenses to pay.

    Look, if someone can't afford C2, then they are lying to themselves. Saving goes a long way. And C2 is cheap in comparison to the other expenses you WILL incur in the business of making games etc.

    Anyways, I doubt scirra are going to change their policy. It wouldn't be a good decision.


    I'm not against subscription, I'm actually for it. Just not on the software itself.

    Now if they had made a small subscritpion for say


    Android export...

    iOS Exporter... etc

    and be open that this will cover 3 or 4 more developers to build/maintain/expand those extensions (I use the word extensions) as a line will be drawn, and what is considered software updates/feature enhancements vs extensions.

    But this would be acceptable, a small subscription model for premium extensions.

  • DUTOIT >>>

    UE4 is indeed very new, and the business plan is a leap of faith for EPIC. But their plan has merit; I think it'll prove to generate much larger income than the traditional business plan of UE3.

    UNITY's rental plan is a joke, known throughout gaming communities to be so. There's absolutely no benefit to renting over buying with the ridicilous high price for renting.

    But Adobe and Microsoft have both had huge successes with their plans; Adobe with their entire collection of software, and Microsoft with their Office 365 and OneDrive.

    Why should such a business plan fail for SCIRRA (except if they execute it as clumsily as Unity Technologies have done)...?

    What is stopping you from cancelling your subscription?

    Adobe/microsoft software is used daily, it is part of modern life and business. So people continue with their subscriptions.

    hobbyist game developers think it will be cool to make a game, and life gets the better of them, and they cancel their subscription after 1st month (because its hard, takes time - etc).

    UE4 is a 'steal'. You can subscribe for 1 month and cancel. You can then develop your game free of charge. The subscription gives you access to latest version. Subscribe and cancel / rinse and repeat when you want latest version.

    Unity understands that people don't stick around, that is why there rental plan is the way it is - good business! not a joke. Which is why they have longevity.

  • This won't sit well with many, many users.

    Sure it all those who can't afford it upfront will be happy, but it isn't a viable option for scirra.

    Unreal Engine 4 is a new product.

    Unity has a buy or rent option (and the rent option is very steep)

    Introducing a rent option would hurt scirra's business, not aid it. And we all should want scirra to be profitable to sustain future developments.

    What they could do, and it could be a possibility, is buy license, but in installments (3 equal payments over 3 months). 3 months, not 6 or 12 or 24 as that would bring about headaches and not be profitable option for scirra.

    The average buyer is a hobbyist. And won't continue with payments. People never follow through. All have good intentions, but are experts at never finishing anything.

    It is important that scirra is profitable if we want it to be a toolset we can use into the future.

  • google search bar

    searchphrase site:scirra.com/

    I would open c2, click new and select the examples one by one and work through those, build them exactly the same. You will be proficient in no time.

  • Set text ""

    Or just overwrite it with new info set text "New info"

    Suggest you spend some time with the manual

  • Yes. and the best way is to Use multiplayer plugin. Will require internet to connect both players.

    If you mean sharing keyboard... why would you do this????

    I have my tv be the host which shows the gameplay and 2 cell phones the peers which is the controls... lots of fun.

  • Less code in the long run, and easier to implement. Also less chance of 1 sprite going walkabout without the other.

    You can also look at containers. Add your playerbox to character.

    I also like to have instance variables that store current x,y of moving sprites... has lots of use down the road from undo buttons to savepoints etc.

    So many ways to achieve same thing. But the best way is completely dependent on what you want, what are you comfortable with etc etc.

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