DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • I am currently halting my game development to see if there will be any new *improvements* to ...

    Never do this. Work on some other aspect of the game. You stand the risk of never finnishing the game. Features, updates, improvements, new tech is all happening and waits for no one. Do what you can with what you have.

  • khenkel, beta releases don't have documentation. The reference docs will only be added when plugin goes to stable. The reasoning is that this plugin is in beta, and can change a zillion times over before stable, and by the looks of things some changes are coming.

  • The multiplayer plugin is perfect to pair to devices together. (the only drawback is it requires internet connection to do the pairing). But I don't know a single phone that doesn't have access to the internet. Wifi is available just about everywhere.

  • I realized today that there is nothing wrong with the way the new storage is.

    Just use Dictionary for your data. When you want to save long term use the new LocalStorage. When loading use a splash screen and when it's loaded from local storage into dictionary your all good. Honestly this is how I do saving loading in Java/C++/Unity anyways.

    Couldn't agree more with this

  • Make this about .capx files and measurements, not just long forum threads.

    But then everyone will see how bad a game maker I am. Its easier to just blame you...

    There are some serious games being developed with C2... the difference between flappy xyz and these developers - these guys have mastered the software.

  • True, then again I've seen games that should be less complex than a digital watch running like they were made for Crysis specs.

    Ain't that the truth.

    C2 makes creating games easy. The learning curve is a gentle slop. Unfortunetly it doesn't make us pro game makers.

    Just because we can mix a cocktail, doesn't make the cocktail drinkable.

    We use c2 for its masked simplicity (but beneath the surface it is can be navigating a mine field of complexity).

    Who said making a game was easy???? Who said you can just add in some ingredients and have an award wining cocktail.

    I have so many issues with C2, Unity, Unreal, gamemaker, etc... but I don't have the time or knowledge to write my own fault ridden software which in my mind will be perfect. Till I try to make a game on it that is

    It isn't perfect. I am too old to master any software (and third party world changes to fast for me) All I have is me chasing my tail in some attempt, just to stay afloat.

    Chrome performance has bombed. Unity, and unreal are free, but takes hundreds of devs to make a buggy game. So what can I do????

    Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming....

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  • How events work scroll down to or block.

    Right click event in left corner and Make 'Or" block

  • its a team request not job offer ... so anyone who would freelance some help to me would be nice

    Oh, I see. Good luck.

  • Microsoft Just did an advanced C2 Course and section 3 covers multiplayer senarios. If I recall they have 3 ways to taclkle multiplayer from turn based to using the multiplayer plugin. The first part of the serious was also very good. If you want video, and want instruction and quality etc...

    The break it down very nicely, showing you the process in pictures. And in game example. It helped me understand some of the more complicated aspects of multiplayer.

    Good place to start.

  • 2 inventory systems in the store. Will probably be cheaper than hiring someone.

    All the whistle version


    a simpler version

    Price wise, they are justified for what you get.

    Edit: Watch out for spamming the board. You've posted this in multip locations - fair enough in relavent topics, but it is a bit excessive.

    The tutorials work, and you say over your head... you will have to then either purchase, or hire someone, or do the best way... learn the software. It seems daunting at first, but the only way to learn is to actually do and FAIL. You learn by failing, that is how programming works - funny, but true.

    C2 comes with some great examples built in. Try building those, going through them. Don't worry if you don't understand. Repetition is the mother of all skillz. C2 - New and go throught that list of awesomeness.

  • Chrome itself is depressing at the moment... They sure did something wrong over the last couple updates.

  • I'm using firefox now as default. Chrome is unworkable for me at the moment. I even changed all my bookmarks over etc as chrome takes forever to load pages, and it has a horrible memory leak.

    Since the last update I think.

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