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  • CoffeeOD,

    Please, can you upload the .capx file again - would love to see how you handled InsertCoin25 criteria. Also InsertCoin25, if you still have a copy, wanna share the solution.


  • Ashley,

    Trust me, the minute I have something that produces a seize/freeze, crash constantly, you will be the first to know.

    Currently, you can't reproduce it. What crashes C2 now, won't crash C2 next time.

    The only thing that is confirmable is excess periods of usage causes software to slowly become unstable. Solution: Close project down periodically. This flushes something that causes the instability.

    But, this is really a awesome piece of software. As I said, huge fan, and believe that it is going to be a big part in game development in the future.

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  • Ashley, I have the latest and greatest graphics card setup (Custom built machine, bla bla bla bla) - I am a hardcore gamer and C2 crashes with me often. And yes, I have up to date driver(s) too.

    I am enjoying C2 very much, so don't get me wrong (I am a fan) but, it is not stable as wizaerd says, and it is the software not my hardware that causes it to crash, freeze etc.

  • The future - Xbox, Playstation, apple tv, TV's in general will (some can already) support html 5 games / apps - that is the future. And C2 is super duper efficient at html 5. Phone browsers suck at html 5 so that has some way to go, but ipads can sync with tv's etc etc etc. I see html 5 games on tv's as huge opportunity that is a couple of months away - it is already able now, but I'm talking larger scale.

    My thoughts.

  • Spritefonts, busy with implementing them into my own game now, jury are still out as to whether I keep them or not. The pros don't outweigh the cons by much, and each has its benefits.

    Cool spritefont generator:


    if you go that route

  • Running Chrome, not firefox, so can't be that and for blocking your own pieces - that is cool if that is intended in your game. Very intrigued - sorry if I can't see the big picture, but I am hooked.

  • Why don't you play around with the free version, once you get to 100 events limit, purchase the licensed version. I did that. Also by the time you hit 100 events you will have gained insight into the workings of the software.

    What plinkie link says - lol, is you are going to build components. You need to build the timer, you need to build the cars movement, you are going to need to build track(s) and all the wonderful things that make a game work (the background stuff is never simple, even for a simple game) BUT, C2 makes it easy, and a lot of fun. I catch myself trying to come up with different ways of handling a situation within the game.

    Oh, I believe there is a car racing template to get you started. I haven't built car racing, but it is very doable.

    Edit: Yip, C2 has example of simple car movement. New and select examples, templates etc etc.

  • When you Select Your pieces there is no "spawn" on button.


    Don't know if this is what you are after, had to do it a few times to re-create, but you can block your own piece.


    I love the trail left behind as piece moves - Wow, love it!

  • Agreed, what I meant by move to was

    set position to x,y

    which moves token at speed of light to x,y position.

    I tried the "move to" plugin, and like it very much, but didn't use it because of same logic (compatibility) and the pathfinding option complicates things considerably. Overkill for a board game.

    I am using mathematics on image points to move token at this stage, not ideal, but working currently.

    Won't work for your setup as you want random layout not structured like mine.

    But, I will follow your thought process cause it would be nice to have randomized board option down the road. Never play same board twice - lol.

  • For Example You need sword swing, find that component tutorials: google construct 2 sword swing...

    Sword swing effect:


    Sword Character:


  • Not to familiar with labirent game, but being newish too, I can guarantee you that there is nothing simple about simple games - lol. They have lots of various aspects working in background.

    The movement

    The sword fighting.

    The levels.

    The health. etc etc etc each takes time to build.

    Good news is there are enough tutorials to build game, tutorial cover certain areas of games.

    Good place to start:


  • I eventually saved everything to dictionary.

    I have a json file that I ajax into dictionary for static data and save dynamic in game data stored into a second dictionary and

    and save that dictionary to webstorage.

    It still isn't perfect, so will watch what more knowledgeable folks say. But, it works better than tons of data all over the place.

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