DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • Webstorage is better because when exit browser their settings are saved for later use.

  • Damn! you got some skills with photoshop - I presume that is what you are using. The 'chunks' are fantastic. No problem on my side. This obviously isn't for small devices. Strictly desktop/html right.

    They are big over 2mb, but once downloaded it shouldn't be a problem.

    The only problem is memory 10 images on screen could bring a pc to a crawl depending on pc specs.

    and of course

    Download time takes awhile depending on line speed.

    I've created a family photo album type thing had similar image sizes and it even worked on my moms blackberry - lol (of course I could only show 1 photo at a time, but so it shouldn't be a problem.)

  • I haven't installed latest beta, but agree with ghost, z-order is probably best latest card being on top

  • For kids Cbeebies

  • Start with Tutorials.

    Don't read them. Build the example games step buy step.

    Build this first

    then This

    Construct comes packed with examples. New project and scroll down to see all the examples etc.

    And the most valuable resource - The Manual This has everything you need to know.

    And search the forums - so much info here.

    And of course, the most important. You cannot learn code/programs etc without coding/working with programs. So in a week you will be pretty effecient in construct 2. And spend 1000 hours and you will be a pro.

    Game maker will take you a lot longer as the learning curve is steeper. I come from game maker originally.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • You have IE Lol, same thing Press F12 and go to console tab.

    You have an error there

    (X) script5009: 'cr_createRuntime' is undefined

    (i) manifest doesn't exist on server: "http://gamejolt.net/data/games/..... ofline.appcache'

  • asmina22,

    You can use the username to send notice that they have been mentioned in post. So have people PM you and you can respond here in this topic until you get enough rep points to pm.

  • How are you uploading it? Is your connection timing out perhaps?

    In chrome, firefox press F12 and UI loads at bottom. If you select resources tab and frames this is all the assets being loaded. stylesheets , images, scripts, fonts, etc

    You will usually see a red ! if something fails to load. At the moment, stylesheet has error message written saying it can't find that file - 404 error (which means it can't be found on server)

  • The game appears simple, until you get into it.

    As sosensible says, the AI is complicated (All good AI is complicated)

    I answered in a long winded way your other thread on it.

    You could find someone willing to do it for very little, but you won't get a very good game. And if you want an good game, it is going to cost a lot. Hourly rate this takes some time to develop - so you going to pay a fair amount for all the man hours.

    And exporting to iOS and android is a nightmare at the moment.

    Not trying to get you down - just grounding you. Now that you are grounded. Building games is truly a fantastic experience. I've had some of the best moments when I have been trying to do something for hours/days/weeks/months and it comes together. It's a drug (good drug) - I love it.

  • Sorry - lack of sleep. Are you talking about creating font sprites for construct 2.

    All my font sprites are .png

    Or you can individually create your own fonts in gimp/photoshop.

    Edit: Give Your Fonts Mono as discussed above is nice tool. You can generate your font sprites with whatever tool. Open your font graphic in photoshop and apply style to it - there are 1000's of free styles, you will never have to create your own - trust me.

    And I always save as .png

  • This is fantasic idea. I will try to add one or two in the next week

  • photoshop - see newest tutorials - got a nice video on it.

    photoshop CS2 can be downloaded for free from adobe is for non comercial use though.

    Gimp, same thing can make some awesome bitmap fonts.

    Found this site 4 days ago, pretty cool.

    menu text

    But tutorial is best bet, can be done with gimp (free commercial use)

    Tutorial - how to create sprite fonts

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