Grimbot's Recent Forum Activity

  • Makes sense! Thank you!

  • Hello! Does anyone know how to tackle this? I'm trying to get the player to remotely pilot a "drone" for a short while. I'd need to transfer control from the player's regular sprite to the drone sprite and back.

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  • I'm planning a little experimental fighting game just to mess around. Two fighters will be locked into circular motion around each other. If this was all I was doing, I'd just rotate around the origin. However, I want the fighters to move between being close, medium, and far from the center.

    I could just create three sets for each sprite and have the sprites change when the characters change states, but that seems like a waste of sprites. Changing the origin at runtime doesn't seem like a "thing", so how would you go about this?

  • > To use Safe Mode, add ?safe-modeto the URL, e.g. Note all third-party addons are disabled in this mode. You should immediately open the Addon Manager, uninstall the problematic addon, and then restart Construct 3. Be sure to remove the ?safe-mode part of the URL to re-enable loading third-party addons.

    From the documentation

    Thank you. Unfortunately, this changes nothing. It's still hanging. Maybe there's a problem with the site itself at the moment? (*Nope. It loads on Bing, which I never want to actually use. Hmm.) I'll keep poking around...

  • I've had a great first week of C3 and just decided to poke around with some addons. I added four to play with (Finite State Machine, Sliced Objects, Paste Sprite, and Universal Die). These are the first addons I've used. After adding them with the manager, I reloaded the page and the page never loads. It hangs at 95% loading addons.

    Since the page won't load, I can't access the manager to remove the addons. Any suggestions?

    *Latest: I'm using Firefox, if it makes a difference.

    **Aaaand: It seems to be Firefox. I cleared Firefox, so I was able to start Construct. However, using Microsoft Edge (just because it happened to be there) I was able to load the plugins.

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Member since 16 Sep, 2018

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