You are welcome.
I tested and saw the intentional black background. (probably Adbuddiz intetionally did so)
I felt Not so inconvenience.
If you think not so desirable, then think about using Leadbolt (SDK) ad.
Leadbolt's Alert ad seems to very good.
I tried to build and succeeded to build.
See my plugin setting: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/186 ... 012431.png
If you did set right, it may be a temporary error caused by internet connection.
So try again.
cranberrygame just a quick question, does your IAP plugin work with iOS yet? I've tried it on my iPod touch and keep seeing debug messages pop up and the documentation makes it sound like it's close, so I was wondering if it was nearing completion? If you need any help testing it, I can try to help
Hi, gizmodude4
I am ready to restart the IAP ios work as you suggested. (Make IAP ios work)
If you help me to test on ios real device, I will appreciate