midnightstories's Recent Forum Activity

  • What am I dong wrong here, it's not printing anything?


  • Well I've been looking at this since it began. This is just an idea not very good, but it may work.

    1.Make up an animation of the path, set it to frame 1 on start.

    2. when you drap the matching part on to path it plays the next frame and you distroy the part.

    things to do, pin collision box to the parts and have new one appear at the end of each animation of the path

    so the part would have to collide with that new collision box each time.

    Well that's my effort not very good sorry, I'm a total newbie

  • No I got it now there enough to get me going I'm going into more about the logic structure of loops and how to apply them. For what ever reason I couldn't see those templates so I was getting frustrated after installing the stable version and reinstalling the beta they are all there now. Sorry for my impatience, I'll have to make an angry midnight game LOL! Cheers

  • Wow just looked at your melon game it's so good just amazing work shows you what you can do with a bit of elbow grease and good graphics, my hat is off to you!!!

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  • Yes I wonder where mine is I'm going to download the full stable version and not the beta, sorry I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Thanks anyway!!!

  • Thanks for sharing angry birds is excellent and a great start for me !!!

  • scirra.com/forum/my-examples_topic45860.html



    midnightstories as well as the example built in there many examples if you search the forums....

    This is what us newbies are talking about Links. There must be no angry birds examples in the Beta version cause I'm looking and I'm not seeing. So a huge thanks for the links. Please I'm not asking for anyone to do it for me or I won't learn I just wanted an example to get me going nothing more. What I had in my examples wasn't was what you guys were telling me, there are a few but nothing like the ones in these links. Cheers

  • Was looking to do something like that to you type in catapult in the tutorials there's not even one reference to it you look for the examples and no file has catapult on it. So for the people who are sending us off on wild goose chases please keep your comments to yourself we are trying to learn here ! or if it's a link we can't find post it Thanks

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Member since 22 Jun, 2013

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