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  • If I understand correctly, you want to manipulate only a single tile or section of tiles at a time, within the entire tilemap, correct? Kind of like a digging thing example?

    If so, then yes it is possible.

    Lets say we want a tile to go away when we click it or touch it. Touch, btw, is used for most of these type of actions due to the option to use for mouse clicks btw. So let us use touch.

    In the event, set up a first event that points to the area or interest of tiles from another object, such as cursor, or player position etc. Its always best to reference something in the game on the layer of interest before applying the actions.

    This is done by using the "Pick nearest/furthest" system function.

    In the "Which" select nearest, then X and Y will be the area of the tilemap you want to focus on.

    So, the code would be something like:

    Tilemap.TileToPositionX(and the object mentioned above i.e. cursor.X, or player.X for examples)

    Do the same for Y, changing all Xs to Ys.

    Then in a sub event, you can reference the tilemap now.

    So, you say then that you want to use the when touched something (there are different functions for touch...test which works for you), and the action for that event (touch event), you can go to your Tilemap object, then there will be an option to erase tile range.

    If you want to only erase, for example, where you touch, as a single tile, you can:

    Erase Tile Range(Tilemap.PositionToTileX(Touch.X), and same for Y.

    Might have to find the exact codes, but these X and Y references should work just find.

    To make it more than one tile, change the tile range in the action, and even you can replace them, instead of erase, etc.

    Say you are making a tank, for example, and want destructible terrain. The bullet object would the the object of interest in the first event, instead of the tank, because you would want to explode the tiles at the bullet collision obviously. :)

    Hope that helps a bit!

    I'd post pics, but I haven't fully tested this yet.

  • If you do a search for compiling apk cordova using cmd for construct 2, there is a way to set up the game to convert to an actual apk that will go fullscreen. The program should take care of that bar automatically, but it might be a timing issue when loading? Do you have a loading screen or does it just go straight to the game layout?

    Using android SDK and installing cordova through cmd will allow you to use the www folder to build apk with cmd. Not sure the exact process, but MANY people I have heard love doing it this way because its free and actually makes the apk an apk to download for testing.

    Sorry I dont have specifics, but its def worth trying if you find it!

    Another option may be to use bluestacks? Not sure how that would work but who knows. That bar def looks like the phone UI and the game loading is not doing something fast enough to block that.

  • It’s not feasible for all broken links to be fixed, but if you reply to the topics with the broken links you’re interested in and the author is still around, they are usually happy to fix those when they get a chance. Most wont bother checking all their links to make sure they still work.

    Dropbox broke all their links about a year ago so that’s the main cause of broken links. The original authors would need to re share the file with a new link.

    It was worth checking Thank you for the reply.

  • I'm sure people will find that useful.......

  • I am trying to learn and find examples, capx files maybe, or even view images at times and many, many of the links I click on are 404 now. Please update your links! The posts become less useful without the required link active.

  • I have searched around, and for a few days, tried implementing viewports, layer identifiers with mouse coordinates, etc but I noticed something interesting.

    My actions:

    I created a scrollable side scroller game layer

    I created a UI layer

    I set a custom cursor to my mouse specific to the UI layer (i.e. Mouse.X("UI"), etc)

    What I found:

    The cursor follows mouse flawlessly, even with game layer scrolls, and all parallax etc does the same (because its bound to UI layer)

    BUT..having bound to UI, if I leave the mouse/cursor at any position in the game viewport, and then move player, say to the right for example,

    The X and Y coordinates of the cursor do not change, even though the cursor moves with the UI layer.

    Makes sense, but not sure how to manipulate the X Y values based on game layer while bound to UI.

    This is to check if cursor.X is > or < a specific game layer object. I do not know, and have not found yet, how to take the cursor X and offset/add the difference of the left side of the game layer/viewportLeft X coordinate from layout coordinate of beginning at 0 with the viewport.

    Does that make sense?

    So moving the viewport will obviously side scroll, and of course layout X Y is not supposed to change, so how can I calculate the different between the viewport Left X and the layout 0 OR even UI X since its left is always 0 also?

    I could then take cursors Mouse.X("UI") and add the difference so cursor.X is always updated even if viewport moves, so its ALWAYS relative to the actual position in the view. The visuals work fine, but the numbers dont change.

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  • You guys need to read/watch some tutorials.

    Double-click anywhere on the layout -> Keyboard -> Insert.

    This ^^. Its really the best way to globally find all calls and variables, expressions, etc because it accesses the layout directly. It does not get confused with events already existing, it doesn't care. So, for any addition to the layout (such as those with one time additions like keyboard, mouse, function, etc) go to your layout (not the event sheet) and double click as said, outside instances. And boom. there is all the options there.

  • Name is Mojoyup. Real name Jason I am new to Construct 2 latest release, and have been working on a new PC/Android game called DISSENT. It is currently going through alpha release events and testing, and will be released hopefully on track within a few months as a single map survival test on Steam or .io sites etc.

    This is a hobby for me, but I have worked in graphic design in the past, and art is a nature of mine[talent] so I use it for personal therapy. What better way to do so then make it fun!?

    I have a discord server for the game, yet newcomers are to be given access, though very soon! I have given Staff permission to share server information for joining so Ill see where that goes.

    Hopeful to become a great asset to the gaming community over time. Any questions or comments, feel free

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Member since 8 May, 2018

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