MobileMojo_Games's Forum Posts

  • Awesome! Glad it worked! I use that all the time for ranging things, like detections and such. Very powerful and in fact you can better its performance if we have the ability to detect collisions with tiled backgrounds instead since they use less memory.

    Also, if you have an issue where setting visible to invisible, then instead just change opacity to like 1 or something so collisions still work. :)

  • Ok cool so from what I gather, I may be able to help in one direction here.

    If you utilize enemy UIDs or IIDs, you may be able to have more control over who shoots. So, for example,

    If enemy with IID is colliding with the range collision, then if have them shoot. You could loop through UIDs I think naturally with the system events. Hope that makes sense. If ids dont work, check if you can loop an object with multiple instances using a variable. I think you can change a variable independently that way so not all of them will have to shoot. I can help you check that if you like, I can make a simple test.

    As far as bullet behavior, you might need to utilize atan2 (or if not available, angle() or distance()) formulas might work since its iso. Id have to see what its doing now to figure out how to make that work. Q: Is the bullet limited to up, down, left, right for you at the moment?

    For movement, you might want to utilize angles instead of 8 direction

    Hope that is a little helpful so far! I get confused easily so Ill try to keep each post simple. Ill stop here for now :P

    We got this!

  • Ty for the insight :)

    I did yes :) I do notice that this example also limits the bandwidth and does not utilize certain key aspects of interactive gameplay though, other than movement. The fact that taking damage is merely based on collision points and text/message updating makes the example simplistic in terms of multiplayer capabilities, though I believe this may have been intentional.

    I suspect the limitations of MP are obvious once designing starts, though I am curious if the delay and such stays consistent with a higher number of broadcastings and syncing objects and collections of such.

    After reconfiguring the codes for what I am building, I was able to get bullets to be nearly within useable limits already so that's a plus because bullet speed is high usually. I would say that is a major plus. I cant convert my work over to c3 from the free testing, and there would be so much to copy over, but I might just do that and test!

    I could give a great insight on whether people like me who have had to reconstruct the entire multiplayer aspect to get it to work may actually find it very worth it in c3. Time will tell :)

    I know one thing, Ill never go to another software whether I stick with c2 or go to c3. I've tested them all. This, Ashley and team, is by far the most versatile type made for people like me who have learning disorders. It is very easy to change and test and change and test :P. Progress is progress and I've made the most with construct thus far!

    People give Ashley a hard time a lot but man I couldnt do what you guys have done. I commend it all and appreciate it and I would have made the same paths, moves they have made over the years. People can be brutual even when you give your best to them. Just want to extent my appreciation.

  • You can have a trigger in another event that activates the group that you have that in. Just make the group inactive at startup and activate it when you want to use it. And add in the triggered once event to deactivate the group at the end. Might work

  • As far as I know it isnt a possibility. Adobe has discontinued their support for phonegap that I recall.

  • If you purchase the server on the store, you should be able to utilize LAN with it after configuring things.

  • How does the multiplayer stability and features compare to that of C2? I am working to build a genre of multiplayer games in the near future and I have C2 working but the peer lag is redic, even on LAN.

    Sell me

  • Will the tutorials here: C2 TUTORIALS still be available after the final switch? If not, will they be downloadable or something? 150+ pages of tuts would be terrible to lose.

  • Is the view isometric then? The 45 view?

    Also, what exactly doesn't work when you play it? What errors occur?

    You could try also using "else" on checking the variables. It may be trying to move in opposing directions at the same event action timing.

  • You could also create an invisible sprite as a range sprite and use the mentioned on collision or on overlapping on that if you want to go further than the bounding box. Probably a circle would be ideal. :)

    Pin that sprite to the player at the beginning of the layout after positioning it where you want it.

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  • I have been using the multiplayer plugin for months now and learning EVERYTHING I can about syncing peers, host signaling, object syncing, everything. Read the manual, did the tuts, created a server test on the store, etc.

    I have an issue.

    -Sometimes, when signaling joined server on peer(i.e. multiplayer X host),

    -the chat log says the peer joins

    -the peerlist is updated with the id, but no peer is available on the peer window.

    -0 amount of peers(including host is gone).

    -So the peerlist even ONLY LISTS the peerID.

    NOTE: This happens randomly but more often than not. Sometimes the peer can join, and EVERYTHING works perfectly. That is why I am confused. When it works its supposed to work I assumed.....

    I know the flow of multiplayer very well now also. I see no issue other than server error.

    Any thoughts on this?

    Ill post photos and video link asap. Just wanted to create the post real quick while I can in the stormy weather.

    third pic is a successful connection

    fourth pic shows the error in the connection

  • What I did for now is I purchased cranberries plugins from the store and gonna try those out because it allows for quite a bit of things for mobile! If I do find out the google thing though, as I have already configured it in firebase and google with the sha1 and web ids, client ids, etc Ill post :)

  • Thanks much, yeah I have heard somewhere that Rex plugins are not specific to cordova either so that might be an issue too idk. But Ill def give that a shot and also go page by page and search here if its been talked about before :) TY for the quick response!

  • Sure thing. I am adding the coding for the authentication. So, I followed the way it is supposed to check and everything and I am thinking it might be just the inability to show the browser maybe?

    NOTE: I have added the firebase to the app, and also the dependencies in the android studio areas also.

  • I added your authentication plugin and the apiv3 but the authentication is not working on the apk file, only on testing on opera browser. Not on phones

    Any ideas?