gullberg86's Recent Forum Activity

  • I Dont want to open all layouts then I open my projects. My project have many layouts, and I don´t need to open all these at the same time.

    It takes alot of memory.

    Right now I can´t find any settings to disable it.

  • I want to know how to make a condition that says object has stopped moving.

    I work on a project there gamers goal is to get a object (in this case the player-object) to get to the ground, but if its bounce out the screen or fall into a hole, you will lose.

    So far so good, the game sense if the object left the screens borders, and restart. But if it land on the ground the gamer win and can contiue to next level.

    The problem I got if if it bounce to the ground and then out of border, it counts for winning, therefore I set a wait-timer, but then the win-screens appear but you still lose.

    I want to set a condition for winning that says to the game; "the object is not moving, lemme win if the condition for touching the ground is true".

  • Here is my game 4 android-devices. yea, I know, it´s cost a little coin. ... tedmjolnir

  • ... tedmjolnir

    I created a new fun puzzlegame, and now it´s for sale at lowprice under a buck at android-appstore.

    Try it out, it´s fun and addictave, I promise.

  • Alright... I got it... I will make small parts as sprites and puzzle it togheter in order to design whole levels.

  • I found it! And now I think I need to rethink the method I?m used to then I design levels.

  • ahh, colission polygons, that I looking for.. Couldnt not find out to changes that..

  • Hello.. Im used to multimediafusion & gamefactory, and I used to design my plattformgame-scenery in photoshop. And then I add it in several layers: ground/foreground (that should be solid to walk on). And then the background in second layer.

    The objects, like coin, enemies, player and so I used to add in the gamedesign-application..

    I found it out in Construction2 that then I add the level into the application, it is like a solid block, even if its transparent parts of it, that I want to be like nonsolid, only visible parts should be solid to walk on.

    Cant find anywhere to correct this. And noo.. I dont want to design the whole level inside construct from scrath.

    For example, if I make a downhill-part of the level, and import it to construct(or make it direcly), it looks like a downhill-part, but the app threat it lika a solid block, will make the playerunit float in the sky and then just drop to the oblivion.

    thx for the help.

  • yea, it worked fine 4 me.. I use googlecrome-webreader and have a decent stationary PC. No lag or anything.

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