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  • Thx Eren, you saved me a lot of work!

  • Hi rexrainbow,

    thx for these plugins. Is there any way to inlude a "change animation" action in the rex_uid2prop plugin? I'm mass-spawning isometric sprites from a stored json-array with the nickname plugin, and the sprites can have four different rotation-animations. Right now I do a workaround by setting their opacity to certain levels and change the animation later based on their opacity value.

    Btw. I would donate some money if that could help :)

  • Thanks man, the clone family is a nice workaround! I'm trying to create more of a stamp system than a drag&drop one (my capex didn't indicate that, sorry) - but it should work with the clone family. Thanks again!

  • Arrays - several if a large one would be to complex. This comes in handy if you want to do local savegames (array to json/ajax and vice versa) or if you want to replace texts for different languages. CSV via ajax to array works quite well. It's hard to set it up the first time, but your later projects will benefit greatly from that.

  • Hi folks,

    I'm trying to do something like a level editor. I want to prevent solid objects to be stacked on top of each other. I have a condition that checks if there is an overlap - in that case, the solid objects can't be placed in the level.

    But it seems I'm lacking the skill to write a condition that checks if the overlapping has stopped. I tried several versions with boolean variables and without. The stopping condition seems to fire every tick. I created a simplified version attached below (there are several hundred placeable objects in the original project, so this should really work with families). Can anyone point out to me how the condition can be fixed?





  • A game exported as an HTML-game only runs on a webserver. If you are trying different exports, make sure to use a unique folder for each export. Otherwise, files could mix up.

    What's your native language, if I may ask?

  • What are your conditions to move the helper object? Especially what does stop it? Is it on collision/overlap with the black boxes? Is it a distance check? I would recommend stopping pathfinding/moving on a distance check* from image point to image point, which ideally should be in the center of each the green and black squares.

    *as condition: system - compare two values

    and then:

    value 1 = distance(object1.y, object1.x, object2.y, object2.x)

    value 2 = 1 pixel

  • Why do you have "Trigger once" in these events?

    In my twisted mind, I tried to prevent the condition from firing every tick with "trigger once" and save some CPU power this way.

    you need to add them into a container ... each pair will be logically linked together

    Yeah, wow - it works that way! I couldn't imagine how a container object would figure out the neighboring object is his container partner without an ID. But it seems to be the time of creation in the editor that links them together. Many thanks for the help and this hint.

  • I would do the pathfinding/collisions with a separate, smaller object like a 25x25 square. Then just pin the sprite of the lady to that helper object.

  • Hi folks, either it's my crappy condition design or it's a bug (so probably the first one). I'm trying to link several instances of two objects together with an ID variable. If one changes its animation, the linked one with the same ID is supposed to change it's animation too. This seems to work just in 80% of the cases. I'm confused. Please see the project-file:

    The way it is supposed to work: the red square can turn either of the green or orange rectangles blue by coming close enough. The attached rectangle (linked by ID) is supposed to change its animation too.

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  • Yeah sure, but it's faster to store those in VRAM. If VRAM is to small, the system will load it from the regular RAM of course, which could be laggy.

    This is only solution I found how to import complicated animations with good framerate with minimum quality lost and maximum optimisation

    If importet boneanimations don't run as smooth as larger frame-by-frame clips, personally I think your problems are elswhere. Did you preload the animation sprites in the layout (like they exist ofscreen while starting the layout or something). Creating huge, non preloaded objects right before the animation starts surely could cause lag.

    But listen - if it works for your use case the way you are currently doing it, thats's totally fine. If you run into any performance/memory problems with that, you should reconsider your conclusions. But most importantly - go on with it and see what works and waht doesn't.

  • With 816 MB of graphics memory, your game will only run on desktop computers. What is the usual RAM size of video cards nowadays? 2 GB? 4 GB? Consider about half of that as your upper limit for a project. If your game is supposed to run on tablets or phones, aim for 100-400 MB max for the whole project (and not for each object).

    Animation tools basically move, resize, warp and twist sprites. Construct can do the same, no need to store a large sprite over and over in a series of huge images. The key is to import the "move, resize, warp and twist"-commands from your animation tool into Construct. This can be done with Spriter, not with Moho.

    You should consider to either switch to a programming tool that does support Moho exports (like Unity) or to an animation tool that is supported by Construct, like Spriter.

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Member since 6 Aug, 2017

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