BerthusY's Recent Forum Activity

  • Please let know more about Buildin SnapShotCanvas

    It can probably solve the problem.

    Made this .capx it's very easy to use. With the base64 string you can create .png on the device.

  • Sprite capture works in crosswalk

    screen(Canvas) capture do not work

    Probably I need other scirra member's help about crosswalk's canvas

    Buildin SnapShotCanvas gives base64 string maybe your plugin can use this to get the canvas picture and save it to the device ?

    Or a plugin that saves base64 strings to the device as image would be also ok.

  • black screen only on crosswalk for android (no black screen on phonegap)

    more testing and debugging is required

    Yes I'm using crosswalk for android. I think you are the only one who could fix this problem. Waiting for an update. Thanks for the hard work.

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  • cranberrygame

    When i click SaveScreenCaptureToImageFile it saves a black image and opens it. The problem is not the capx but the plugin.

    Check out the black screen i shared via facebook with your advanced capx : ... =1&theater

    Check out my APK ( your updated capx) :

  • cranberrygame

    Save screen capture to image file saves black screen ?

  • FredQ

    Fixed Phonegap Share plugin errors

    Sorry for frequent inconvenience.

    Download Phonegap Share plugin, again (caution: must apply changed native plugin url)


    You can insert screen or sprite's capture image into image file (using Phonegap ScreenCapture plugin) and then share the image. (using Phonegap Share)

    To. All

    Added Phonegap ScreenCapture plugin

    Nice update.

  • Another question, how it works? Do I need create some facebook app? Or only i use this plugin and it share without apps...?

    No need for facebook app or id, it uses a alternative process, check out the demos.

  • Is there a way to post the canvas snapshot as the image when sharing to Facebook?

    It's possible with V3 now. Check your download link.

    Hey how is V3 coming along?

    V3 is live with screenshot upload function, pinterest is still in process will be available for v4 soon this week.

  • Great game, nice optimized feels like native game on my phone.

  • Do Google play rate works in crosswalk?

    Yes it does, and also facebook, google+ and twitter works in crosswalk.

  • Thanks. I bought the plugin this morning and am so far very happy with it, so thank you.

    Can I request that when you share to whatsapp it actually sends the message rather than just putting the text the box for the user to then send. This is to prevent users from editing their score before sending the message.

    As an example, see what happens when you share a video from YouTube to whatsapp, the message goes straight to send without user input.

    Nope, not possible.

    Is there anyway to share to Facebook using the app rather than the mobile browser?

    Not via this plugin, i don't know if it's possible to do that.

    Hey how is V3 coming along?

    Almost done.

  • FredQ Yes V3 will contain that feature.

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