Sean Noonan's Recent Forum Activity

  • And I've now added achievements!

    Just in the GameJolt version for now:

  • I've finally fixed a bunch of niggling OS and browser issues as well as adding in leaderboards!

    The new version is available over at Gamejolt:


  • Don?t know what you changed buddy, but now the game is incredible laggy on safari! Nearly unplayable. :(?

    Oh really? Safari on Windows or Mac?

  • Yes,I cannot believe how I never realised how much that R looks like an A. You're like the 10th person to tell me - fixing it for the next version for sure :D

    Thanks for playing!

  • Just a little update, but I've done some more work on the game...

    Feedback welcome (encouraged)!


    • Removed acceleration on movement
    • Shrunk all hitboxes to better match their characters
    • Changed spawning so that waves increase based on level
    • Raised time for when Cybombers detonate
    • Cybombers now blow each other up causing huge chain reactions
    • Screen shake toned down
    • Camera now stops at edges of arena
    • All enemies spawn at the arena edges
    • Enemies now telegraph their spawn positions before spawn
    • Added spawn crystal to intro backdrop
    • Added "Skip?" text to intro
    • Added title sequence
    • Added title screen with options
    • Added fades between each scene
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  • Kyatric Hi, I was just following this capx and I couldn't for the life of me work out what the number 40 was used for in the LoopVolume actions and conditions.

    I was trying to modify this as to allow the music to start at -10, but really couldn't work out what was happening in the beginning - any help would be great :)

  • Beaverlicious

    To your first point, I was thinking of adding a "Danger Zone" strip to the level extents.

    To your second point, I simply ran out of time to create enough sound effects, however, I will be creating a bunch today :)

    Thanks for playing!

  • After my Ludum Dare effort, I decided to try my hand at another 48 hour jam before the year was over. So, I took part in the Game Jolt New Year's Jam. I feel this entry was far more successful my Ludum Dare one; it's a lot more polished and offers a lot more replayability.

    Here is my entry:

    "Cybergunner 2: Guns of Cyberia" follows the optional "Where's the Prequel?" challenge, whereby I created a sequel to a game that didn't exist. It was a light challenge, so I still had enough freedom to create whatever I could within the time constraints.

    Here are some screenshots:

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    I plan on updating it with leaderboards and potentially more enemy types. Feedback is more than welcome (encouraged).


  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • This is my first Ludum Dare!

    Here is a link to the Ludum Dare page: ... &uid=25406

    You play as "Doc", the survivor of a catastrophic lunar accident. You must use your trusty fire extinguisher to propel yourself through space and explore the wreckage of a fallen space station in order to regroup with your crew.

    Following the "You Only Get One" theme, I went with both control and narrative; you only get one input - click to blast the fire extinguisher and you only get one life to find your crew.

    The jam went pretty well - though I think future short time frame jams, I will dedicate a little more time to them. I'd like to have gotten a lot more polish and perhaps added other objectives.

    If you don't want to click through the Ludum Dare page, it's playable on my website here:

  • sean Noonan hey, it reminded me of the NES Total Recall game :D ... what's the game about?

    I wanted to make something like Total Recall on the NES XD

    I may even put in the wooden fences with those mystery holes...

  • <img src="" border="0" />

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Sean Noonan

Early Adopter

Member since 13 Feb, 2013

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