Sean Noonan's Recent Forum Activity

  • Perfect! That helped a bunch.


  • I'm not entirely sure how I can best word this, but here goes...

    Lets say I have the UID of an object stored in a global variable. How would I go about setting the X and Y positions of another object to match the position of the object that I have stored the UID of..?

    So in other words, how do I move one sprite to the location of another via it's UID rather than the sprite itself?

  • Really liking the look of your game, Rockwell.

    Anyway, screenshot time. I've been working on the first boss for Hobogame (that's a placeholder title).

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Squidbears are pretty dangerous from what I hear.

    Max Scoville would be proud!

  • Hello, I'm Sean Noonan, a video game designer living in Montreal. I've worked at a couple of video game developers for just shy of a decade and am currently a designer at Ubisoft Montreal (Watch_Dogs).

    Though I've been in the industry for some time I've never tried my hand at doing anything independently. Construct 2 seemed like a good place to start and after discovering it a month ago I can't imagine using anything else :)

    I'm working on a little top down shooter called "One Day From Retirement". I blog about it here:

    I've been delving into the Scirra Arcade to see what everyone has been putting out, and I'm pretty impressed. A lot of originality out there and a good level of polish on many of the games. Hopefully I'll finish my game and join your ranks soon :)

    If anyone is interested in my Construct 2 progress or AAA news I keep a pretty up to date social networking presence on twitter, here:

    Or my primary blog, here:

  • Blink and you'll miss it <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • I was hoping there was some way to do this too.

    Hopefully it's something that will be possible in future updates.

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  • Something I'm working on... early days yet.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I have a scenario where a solid is pathfinding between two points, however I want to ignore another solid that is near the ideal path between the two points, so that the solid doesn't attempt to avoid it.

    Here's the scenario:

    A guard is walking from point to point, but there is an explosive barrel alongside his path.

    Obviously I don't want him to path around it whilst he is patrolling (as I want to be able to shoot it and kill him). However I need the barrel to be solid so that nobody can walk through it.

    Any ideas?

    (Thanks in advance)!

    I've been using Construct 2 about a week now, so I'm new to pathfinding, etc. I'm also a first time poster here!

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Sean Noonan

Early Adopter

Member since 13 Feb, 2013

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