ThereBits's Recent Forum Activity

  • Good night, I was wondering where I can find tutorials to export and import animations for construct 3.

    I've already looked and tried to do it on my own, but without success.

  • Good morning guys,

    I've been trying to do this for hours and I can't,

    My intention is to create an effect identical to among Us, when the shadow hides game elements

    But I'm having problems with z-order and shadows, as all objects in my game are arranged at all times to avoid unwanted overlaps

    Below I share a simple .c3p with everything I've done. It has a print of the effect on Among US that I want in my project

    Below I share a simple .c3p with everything I've done. It has a print of the effect in Among US that I want in my project if my translation hasn't made it clear.

  • are all native

  • Is anyone facing this problem and has any temporary solution for it?

    Any project that I try to execute it freezes the screen as soon as I do some interaction in the game.

    Sound effects still continues in the background.


  • Good morning, how are you?

    I want to play a tower defense game, but I'm having trouble moving

    The enemy slightly pauses between the checkpoints that I marked on the map, is there a way to solve this by leaving linear movement?

    Here goes the project if the translation has not been legal, sorry now.

  • Try this

    it was very strange to touch the cell phone

    I'm replacing it with other values to make it as identical as possible to the instagram feed

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You can use lerp.

    I know this command, the problem is that I don't know which values to get

    I'm trying to smooth out this command:

  • Good afternoon, is there any way to smoothly roll the layout using "scrolly"?

    I'm using the official example "Touch: Panning"

    And I was wondering if you can leave this smooth movement.

    Thanks in advance =D


  • Good night, I was testing the new functionality of construct 3 and for me it worked perfectly in the browser.

    But when I export to android the images are all invisible when I open the device.

    Am I forgetting something? Or because it is a new feature should I expect a fix?

    I'm very excited about SVG Picture, for me it's being one of the best updates!!!

  • Doesn´t admob try to show you targeted ads, with the possibility that it may not find a fitting ad and instead doesn´t show any? If you check your admob you can see something called match rate (iirc). You may not have a high match rate, that´s why it shows ads sometimes or on other devices (where a different google account is used for the matching).

    Give it a few days and see if you notice improvement.

    Thanks for the answer, and I was a little worried about this data, my game is that this correspondence rate is below 20%.

    Is there any setting in admob that I can increase this rate?

  • these are the recent changes :

    configuration was taken out at runtime you now set up at the start but looks like you've done this.

    there were a few posts recently about ads not working in production and live apps, but in test mode and on debug apk it was fine. not sure what the resolution was. I'm about to release my game to the store, i'll let you know if I see anything weird.

    Thanks for the touch, it seems that something is wrong with plugin or admob and unfortunately it is something that is out of our reach. I only discovered this problem when I published my game in the play store.

    I just searched the mobile phones of friends, the banner appears on some devices already others not like mine.

  • Hello good afternoon,

    It was always easy to put banners in my projects, but I realized lately that banner ads don't work properly.

    I will describe my problem in steps to help translate.

    1 - When I export my project to Android with test mode ads, everything seems to work perfectly (awarded, interstitial, banner)

    2 - Also when I export APK debug with Mobile Advert plugin = test mode disabled, everything works perfectly (awarded, interstitial, banner)

    3 - When I create the Signed release APK version, the ads seem to work with difficulty, the banner no longer appears, interstitial appears rarely, award winner appears normally.

    I don't know where the mistake is, everything seems to be right for me.

    At least the banners working for me are already good size.

    I've read all the Mobile Advert documentation and set up admob tbm, but it looks like something has changed and I'm not sure what it is

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