For example: I have many sprites that both have tween position and color on going, if I want to make a game pause I need to check and set these tweens to puase and later resume it.
I have using this for a while, compare to other tween plugins, it's a little difficault to do a global pause. because they are behavior and if you pause the object, the tween will pause too. It would be nice to have better solution for this.
Hi~ Thank you for another handy plugin. Now I using it to replace the old litetween, but I notice that there is no bounce function (shaking,bounce back and forth around the end value), is there a way to get the similar effect?
Thank you for your fast improvement, I will get it a try.
Ok, I kind of understand now:
1.It's for keeping code split and orgnazied. I do have player code in enemy event sheet.
2.It's a broadcast and there is no broadcast for function plugin.
One thinking : Compare to function, this event have only 1 parameter, it has more work to do if I want to picking object with messages.
What's different from function?
Member since 29 Mar, 2017