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  • Well if you want the object to move after a click, you got to have some vars.

    If you want it to follow the mouse/touch you can do it without vars.

    check this out:


  • You just need to make it smoother using anglelerp and add some conditions (these of course will depend on your level design), check this out:


  • you can divide the screen in half

    if touch.X > window.width/2

    move player1


    move player2

  • I am not sure what you're getting at, but did you try simply rotating the layer to the angle of the character (having all object that needs to be rotated on this layer, or rotate multiple layers)?

  • When publishing to google store, you have a code version for your release, if you change this code and re-upload the apk, all the user will get an update notification, most user are set to auto-update, so in a matters of a days all your clients should be uptodate.

    I never published to ios, but i am guessing it works the same.

    The update status through the browser object is available if your uploading a plain html export to a domain.

    Then, if there are changes to the offline.appache file the app will automatically re-download, you can access the progress with the expression loadingprogress, it runs from zero to one, you can also use the browser object to detect downloading of update and show a message and update ready to send a browser refresh command.

  • Like he said

    Just remember this important rule, in C2 you MUST have an instance of any object you want to access on at least one layout.

    You can place it anywhere and destroy it on the beginning of the layout, you can make another "bank" layout and throw everything there (this will not affect memory usage of other layouts).

  • There are a few ways to achieve this, first you can use Y vector instead of jump with positive and negative values for up and down.

    The platformer behavior also has an action to set gravity angle, so you can change it to pull up.

    You should disable Default controls and set your own set of events, then you can choose which key does what and when.

  • you need to have an instance of "sprite" on at least one layout to use it.

    you also need to position it in the place you want it to be pasted to, before pasting.

    and the canvas did not turn white, it became clear since you cleared it in the event, the white is coming from the layer background color.

  • From what i know WebStorage values are kept in strings, so try int(WebStorage.LocalValue("HighScore"))

  • Help Toby save Sara from the vicious alien!!!

    Controls and gameplay:

    *Clear all boxes by touching the box with the answer to the math question.

    *Avoid the laser! - Touching to the left or to the right of the character will switch walking direction.

    *Knock out the bird to reveal the right answer and gain bonus time - Touching the top part of the screen will make the character jump, try catching the bird.

    *Extra time bonus for 5 correct answers in a row.

    *Extra time bonus for 3 correct answer in less than 5 seconds.

    *Destroying an electrified box will destroy all other boxes with the same number.


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  • Thanks, I am glad you liked it!

  • Ashley It's not that important for now, but if you can add it to your todo list, a clear path action will come in handy, i still have problems when switching layouts, i need to manually add this.s=0 to the stop function on the runtime every update to fix this.

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Headbang Games

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