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  • Ashley It happens in both, just more severe in nodewebkit which is the platform I want the final product to run on.

    I am not home now and I didn't upload the 181 version, but here's the 180 one which works the same:

    https://googledrive.com/host/0B3JLq-yXZ ... /lofPC.zip

  • Ashley I update the link with an export from 181r, it still happens (it's more severe in node-webkit, on 180 as well).

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  • No i didn't see there was a 181 version, downloading it now!

    GREAT feature addon - global layer, brilliant!

  • I have a strange problem with jittering while scrolling, the strangest thing is that this does not happens when previewing the project from the capx, only after exporting to html5 or node-webkit.

    I am printing the fps to the browser log, when i walk to the edge of the screen the scene scrolls, when previewing fps remains on a steady 60, after export there are some small drops but nothing below 55, i don't know why, but still it's high enough, it shouldn't jitter.

    The other strange thing is after i scroll a few times back and forth, it stops jitter and remains on a steady 60 fps.

    Has anyone encountered this problem or have any suggestion on how to fix this?

    Here is an online link of the game, press skip (to skip tutorial, then walk around in the house).

    https://ea14537672eb44ada25c6048dea91f1 ... Z0M05MN0k/

    oh and my scrolling event is:

    scroll to

    lerp(scrollx, scrollToX, 1*dt)

    lerp(scrolly, actor_joe.Y, 1*dt)

    scrollToX is var i change when i need to push the camera around.

    In this case when the actor is at a certain distance from the edge of the viewport.

  • I overcomed a similar issue (with swiping inside an iframe)

    by adding a css rule


  • as i said before, have a var named level

    and check in the tag

    if music&level is not playing

    stop all

    play "music"&level with tag "music"&level

    than if you die and restart the same level the event will not be called.

    and if the level changes the music will stop and play the new music with a new tag

  • No you didn't understand what i meant,

    click on the audio is playing condition than click on "i" on the keyboard, this will reverse the event to checking false condition.

    delete the stop action

    and move the play action to the sub event

    now only if music is not playing the action will be called.

  • you can add tags to the audio and check if it's play or not

    on start of layout

    if tag "musicLevel" not playing

    play audio with tag "musicLevel"

    you can add a var to it for the levels

    tag "musicLevel"&level

  • Now that i think of it, you will still need a var for triggering the movement, unless you hold your click/touch.

    Or grouping may also work

  • If that's the case and it's a one time movement to a predefined point B, than yes.

  • I am not an expert, but i am not sure you can and i don't see what's the problem with storing the values?

    Lerp is not an action that runs once, you run it every tick and the object keeps moving until it reaches point B.

    So you must have access to point B .X .Y all the way through, when you click you get the .X .Y but it's not stored anywhere.

  • Hard to tell without a capx, what behaviors do you have on the ship and redball?

    perhaps the ball is pushing the ship back with physics or something.

    try spawning the ball elsewhere see if it helps, if it does, just add another image point away from the edge of the ship, far enough to fit the ball, and spawn it there.

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