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  • Ok, i posted the error:

    https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issu ... ?id=452831

    Although i can't get it to work on IE as well, i don't get an error and i do get a string back to download but it seems like it's a blank canvas.

  • I have the same problem, but i can't seem to get around it, i see you can "Regenerate obstacle map' before you're switching layouts, which seems a little odd for me, since the changes are in the next layout.

    I tried calling it on the start of layout or on the end of previous layout, but no dice.

    Ashely can you shed some light on this problem?

  • R0J0hound did you export the project?

    in preview mode it works fine.

  • zenox98 what is the output file size when you're downloading it?

    can you please try higher resolution to see if it breaks?

  • Somebody

    That's not entirely true, if i use the same canvas size with less info in it, which result in better compression and a smaller file size, the image is downloaded with no problem, i believe it has to do with the base64 string size than the actual resolution.

    Beside i got a geForce gtx 750 with 2 gigs of rams, i think it should handle a 1920x1080 image just fine and even if it didn't wouldn't it have trouble rendering it to the screen at the first place?

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  • Problem Description

    Taking a canvas snapshot (canvas is set to 1920x1080), then downloading it with the browser object's invoke download action, browser crashes.

    Dropping the window size to 1280x720 for example fixed it, not sure where exactly is the breaking point, but it looks like files that are bigger than 800-900kb cannot be downloaded.

    Attach a Capx

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3JLq- ... N0c00/view

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 - click on the canvas to download it.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    windows 7 sp1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • yes it solved it, thanks!

    although i would rather use full quality

    looks like it's just the downscaling that affects this, if set to low it's ok, medium or high causes this bug.

  • R0J0hound

    I have a problem with quad drawing a fully cropped image (the edges get cropped), here is the link to my post in the subject, do you by any chance have any solution for me?

    Thank You.

  • Hi everyone and dear mr. Ashely

    I am working on remake for the classic adventure game, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis with a group of very talented guys, we currently in contact with Disney and working on a demo to send over.

    We started working on IJFOA using WinterMute Engine and recently since i am also working on my own adventure game in C2 we switched production to C2, everything works and looks great we just have one small issue.

    We are creating live shadows by drawing a flipped, skewed, with blur and tint effects duplicated instance of our actor into a paster object, all the animation were auto-cropped using C2 (there are a lot of animation and frames)

    Now when i am previewing the project the shadows looks fine but after exporting when drawing the image skewed into the paster it looks like the images are cropped on the edges, i tried adding additional space around the image and it fixed it, the problem is there are thousands of frames to go through and no easy or efficient way of doing that and maintaining the previous image point location, my question is if it possible for you to add a button for expand spacing, something that can be done on all the frames like the cropping works, or even better allow the user to add an offest px number when cropping, i am guessing that even if it is possible it's not something that would happen instantly so i appreciate it if anyone has another solution to offer me.

    Here are photos of preview vs export:



    Thank You!

  • I also compress pngs with tinypng, whenever quality is not an issue and i need faster download time i get up to 60% compression after construct medium quality export.

    As for the second note, i believe Ashley referred to imported wavs, or exporting only .ogg where .m4a are not necessary, not by going through you're event sheet and checking which files you're really playing.

  • From what i remember, when you're setting it to high images are always exported in powers of 2, that means if you're using a 513+ sprite it will be rendered as 1024, this results in a more crisp rendering and scaling, but naturally effects memory usage.

    If you're aiming for mobile, forget about it, go as low as you can both with your sprites and with the window size.

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