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  • Just add another family to check collision with

    on drop family1

    family1 overlaps family2

    family1 - do action

    family2 - do action

  • You might still want to touch an object that you don't won't colliding with other objects, if it was blocked automatically you couldn't do that, there is a condition you can add to your events "object collision enabled".

  • Level 4 is up with some cool new stuff, visit my blog for more info and for the playable demo!


  • Thanks guys, the project I refereed to is aimed for desktops/laptops running PC, MAC, LINUX using nwJS and possibly xbox/ps4 html versions.

    I remember reading in the manual that events usually does not require much processing and should not affect performance too much, on my debugger I get an average of 4% cpu usage for all the events on 90% of my layouts and on busy layout it can peak up to 7-8%, using an i5 3.40GHz processor.

    I have a total of 1300 events and about 700 of them are the core shared game events.

    But I guess some extra optimization couldn't hurt anyways.

    What is the best practice for this?

    I thought of 2 options:

    1. On start of layout check object count per event, if count = 0 then disable event.

    2. attaching another event sheet for the specific layouts with the extra events. no extra events needed, but running and maintaining another bunch of event sheet per objects.

  • It's because you're checking the var just once when you trigger the whole event, so it continues running regardless of the value of HyperOrbAction, you can break your events into sub-events and check the var status after every wait before continuing to the other actions, or you can add your own timer var (just a number that you add 1 to every second) and then you'll have more control over it, for example, instead of putting wait for 4 seconds, you do this, set var timer to 4 and another action after that system/wait for trigger("timer"), on your counter event when it reaches 0, you signal the wait trigger ("timer"), then if you want to stop counting, just set the timer to 0 or -1.

    Btw, the internal wait action will also continue counting and executing the event if you'll restart the layout, which is also annoying at times, that's why I always do my own timer, or use stuff like on fade ended, on audio ended, on animation ended, etc.

  • Do I need to bother myself with disabling events referring to objects that do not exist on the current layout?

    I have a bunch of collision checks, overlapping, overlapping at offset and for each that set values/object manipulation/code animation that runs per tick / every X sec.

    I don't see much difference when disabling these events, but I have a strong computer and I wonder if on weaker machine it might cause more lagging.

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  • Really?

    I worked really hard to try and not make it too hard , yet not too easy either.

    What scenes did you find difficult?

    And how many takes did it take you to get pass through them?

  • Level 3 is up on the site, have fun!

  • You can check the player.Y position to determined if he's above or below the enemy, then you preform jump/fallthrough when needed, if you need the enemy to jump from specific points on the path he is walking, you can place a collision sprite in these points and preform the jump on collision and if Y is lower.

  • Level 2 is now available for play, click the link below to play it!


    This one has a little boss level at the end, the graphics for X ship and cannons are not done yet, so it might look a little off from the rest of the game.

    If you previously played and finished the first level and did not click on start a new game, you can click on continue and go through the new door that will take you straight to level 2.

    There were some minor updates in level 1, plus there are some new graphics, next level will be released on the 21.1.2016, stay tuned!

    Here is another treat for you, I've just received this new promo image from the guys at the studio, it will probably go through some more changes, but I really love how it turned out, kudos to Oray Studios!

  • you can paste all the needed layers into a canvas/paster object and give it low opacity, then maybe move around in random sine.

    you can also use one of the webgl blur/glow effects, but consider not all devices have webgl support.

  • You're welcome

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