Grimmy's Recent Forum Activity

  • I made a simple financial application to quickly convert to Argentina's Dollar Blue and other currencies. Obviously of not much interest to anyone here but at least you can see how to use C3 outside of games :)

    Feedback (and ratings) welcome!

  • Anyone? Is there any way to control this? Currently on exported release apk builds the keypad covers half of my UI.

    Oddly on a debug apk build the UI seems to scale correctly.


  • The Anchor behavior keeps objects positioned according to the edges of their bounding boxes. Rotating an object enlarges the bounding box, and so the Anchor behavior will adjust the position accordingly, which won't keep it centered.

    It should be straightforward to work around though: you could anchor an invisible non-rotating object, and pin the rotating object on top of that. Or just don't use the Anchor behavior, and position the object with events according to the system viewport expressions.

    Gotcha. Thanks

  • The only way I could think to do this in the end was to create a parent that had the anchor behaviour and then to just rotate the child which is attached to the parent at the start via the add child command. This method seems to work but I still don't know why the original method did not..

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  • My pivot is in the center on I have set the anchoring to the top of the screen however it seems that when I do this the sprite also bounces up and down.

    I have tried normally rotating, using the rotate behaviour and with both sprites and SWFs but I get the same result every time.

    When I run a preview of the animation in the editor it looks fine so presumably the anchoring is causing this?!?

    I should also add that changing the achor settings make the objects behave even some cases pulling a stretching the image and sometime it looks like its has 3d with perspective and mesh warping...but this is just a sprite without any mesh.

    I would expect this sprite just to simply rotate around its origin no matter what the anchoring is set to..

  • When my text input appears on device it overlaps all my UI. However I read that it's possible to adjust my manifest to something like this to force the UI to Resize when the keyboard appears..



    android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" />

    My question is: How can I adjust the manifest for a C3 build and will this even work?

    Additionally, while I'm on the subject of changing the keyboard behaviour. How on earth do I get a 'Clear All' button to appear in the numbers keypboard..there is only a button to delete one character at a time which seems a bit strange.


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  • This text has a white outline but how do I change the width of the outline. Is it possible?

    [outline=#ffffff]Text with white outline[/outline]

  • Works a treat. Thanks you so much. I wasted a day trying to figure this out with the event sheet.

  • I am aware that I can use the following code to restrict my number to two decimal places (eg 99.99):


    However, numbers with zeros after the decimal do not display as expected, for example:

    12.00 displays as 12

    12.50 displays as 12.5

    SO, how do I go about keeping the trailing zeros?


    EDIT: I saw a solution here: but I tried it and it just seems to make everything round to .00 12.5 becomes 12.00 which is not what I want.

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Member since 20 Nov, 2012

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