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  • Sigmag Double post, old post but I was just looking at an old example capx you posted that showed how the sizing works in your game but it only shows the landscape versions. Is there any way you have a Portrait version also? I'm trying to read through the code (the code is great and straight forward, it's the math and such) and I'm a bit lost. When you are setting the size of the HUDs and you do windowheight/scaleration*16/9 for width, would you just switch the values around for it to work with portrait views?


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  • I had gotten that error too when I was using the default CocoonJS plugin (the one that comes with the C2 download). Once I downloaded the CocoonJS plugin from their Github, that dialog went away.

    But fair warning, after I installed the plugin from Github, when I do the cloud compiler and put the game on my phone it just stays at a black screen when it didn't before.

  • awesome news! Well hopefully the update goes through quickly...wish updating on the store was a bit quicker.

    Have you tried 2.0.1 at all? That is the one I been using but yea no dice on the GameCenter. I will have to try out the 1.4.7 compiler then, but I guess I will have to roll back my C2 because I installed that CJS plugin which caused more problems when compiled.

    Yea I would totally love to see an actual working example of game center, even just a small snippet would work for me, just to make sure I'm trying to call it at the right time and using the right ones, that would be fantastic!

    Thanks again!

  • Ah yea I see I see, well hopefully that is the case!

    thanks for the info! Yea it's quite frustrating having to rely on these other services/programs to be able to build apps. Yea let me know how it turns out and whatever kind of suggestions you have that worked for you.

    One thing I thought of the other day which actually caused me more problems: Which version of the CocoonJS plugin are you using in C2? Before I was just using whichever version was in the regular C2 install but realized the example file Ludei showed had some other functions that were not available in the version I have. So I downloaded the one from Github and used that version but now when the app starts up and tries to do something with Gamekit it just stays at a black screen....

    Man mobile games from C2 to CocoonJS has been quite an uphill battle, at least for me.

  • Thanks for that! I will try that, but is there any logic in why it's got to be build 168?

    I will have to make sure nothing in my game uses the newer functions that are in the later builds..hmm.

    Thanks again!

  • I was just curious if anyone has successfully implemented Game Center (iOS) leaderboards into their CocoonJS game?

    I've searched through posts and have seen that older versions of CocoonJS was not capable, but based on Ludei's site it is capable now and even have an example of it (although the example doesn't bring up Game Center like it is supposed to). Paired with Ludei's terrible documentation and "tutorials", I have had a frustrating time trying to get leaderboards into my iOS game.

    Just for reference:

    I have a iOS developer account

    I set up a leaderboard in iTunes Connect with an ID that I put into the CocoonJS plugin in C2

    On Ludei's Dev Portal, I have checked the Social checkmark for Game Center

    I have cloud compiled it and ran it NOT on the simulator, but on my iPhone 5s

    Is there something else I'm possibly missing or some sort of setting in Xcode they do not mention needs to be changed? Any help is appreciated because this is one of the last few things I need to finish before I can release my game.

    Thanks everyone!

  • Hey everyone,

    I'm at a loss here and hope someone else has had to deal with the problem I am having with Ejecta right now because CocoonJS just wasn't working for me. (This is for iOS).

    I have a game that at the opening of the game reads in a couple of JSON files into arrays. Now this works perfectly fine in CocoonJS, through the browser, everything possible EXCEPT Ejecta. It pretty much acts like either there wasn't data in the JSON files to read in OR I think it is adding in some weird characters to the text which makes it not read in the files correctly. But of course in the logs it doesn't really show any errors with it when it tries.

    I know I read somewhere on these forums that capitalization of the JSON files made a difference? I had tried that before to no avail but I will do that again to see.

    So my hope is that someone else could possibly know what would be causing this? Any help whatsoever would be fantastic.


  • Looks beautiful! Keep at it!

  • Awesome, thanks for all the information everyone.

    I just stumbled across this website, has anyone tried it? http://playboxie.com

    So if those games were to work on a PS4 through it's browser, does that just mean the browser supports it and that is separate from the actual console itself supporting the games?

    I will have to try it when I get home from work.

  • I was just curious on what would be needed on the Vita/PS4 for there to be a possibility of an exporter from Construct 2?

    Some sort of compatibility with HTML5, WebGL, Javascript?

    Was just curious because it would be fantastic if we were able to generate even simple games that could be played on Playstation consoles.

    If this is a stupid question then don't mind me...nothing to see here..

  • Sigmag Awesome info, thanks for that! It's funny you mention the ResUtil, I have had a tab open with that post for a couple weeks now but haven't gotten around to messing with it. I will definitely try it out this weekend.

    Thanks again

  • I would also appreciate it very much, I still struggle immensely with what sizes I need images/layouts especially when I'm trying to figure in iOS devices. I feel like the tutorials on that subject do not really give any kind of REAL example and just are too simple and not easily used on something a bit more complex.

    Thanks for doing this, it sounds like it would help a lot of people.

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