Hi, I will consider your remarks! Thanks for your comment.
Hi, I'm glad you like it! You can purchase a license here on the Construct Store on the game page. If you have any questions you can send me a direct message:
Very cool game. The challenge is nice.
Would you mind checking out my asteroids clone?
It's niiiice game! I really liked your game, very well designed, congratulations!
Gostei do jogo pra caramba! Nao posso responder por inbox mas achei legal, espero um dia programar algo legal assim, tenho que arrumar o primeiro pong que fiz ainda e to aprendendo a mexer com o construct
obrigado pelo comentário amigo, mas sigo aprendendo ainda também! se fizer mais games, me avise que eu jogo!
good game, bro !
I like the game as well, good concept. Sometimes though I wish I didn't have to get the boots to jump or the umbrella to hover. But that adds to the skill of tactics to complete a section without it and maneuver your way to the power ups. Good work, I will put this on my watch list.
thanks for you comment! About the buttons, this is the original concept! I'm glad you liked it!
Good game...
cara, jogo muito legal! parabens pelo seu trabalho!
obrigado, amigo!
I liked the game, make the sprites little bigger.
Thanks, I'll think about this!
Dude, you are an amazing artist!
thanks for your comment !
This game is off the chain! Good Art!
hehehe thanks !
Cool your game. Well done! By the way, would you like to try out my Christmas game?
Member since 27 Sep, 2016