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  • Hello!

    I am working on a small smartphone (Android) game where you fight either against a bot or one friend local. You play as a ninja and can customize your abilities as you wish, to try different builds and find your best-winning skill set!

    The goal is to hit your opponent while at the same time avoid his skills, similar to a bullet hell game. Different-strong skills require different amount of mana so you have to be careful when spamming.

    (Link: http://i.imgur.com/dfYNZ93.png)

    What do you think about the idea and what could I improve? Right now there are 9 choosable abilities, with 3 different levels. On each level you can choose 1 of the 3.

    P.S. How can I adjust the size of the picture?

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  • On destroyed, wait x seconds

    -> create object on x y

    Or where exactly is the problem?

  • newt

    Yes. but it's not possible to increase the size this way. I want it to be a bit bigger.

  • Hello!

    I made a custom mouse cursor for 1 game ( a glove) and made it so every tick it sets the position to the actual mouse cursor. (While it is invisible)

    But it does not follow the mouse`s movement 1:1, so when I move it fast, it will follow a bit slower than intended and it does not feel very nice.

    Do you have any ideas how to make it better? Maybe a different event or smth like it?

  • Can you maybe show the event you used? (just write it down like: when... pressed. etc)

    Normally you have a sprite you want to use somewhere on the screen. Then, add the "mouse" object and go to the event sheet. When you select the mouse object, there is something like "on object clicked..."

  • Okay thank you for your answers! I will go for 1 Sprite ^^

  • Hello!

    I was asking myself if it will be better for my card game to make 1 sprite for every card or 1 card object with different frames for each card.

    Since it will have many cards, I want the better ordered version to keep it clear.

    So, what are your thoughts and experiences on this topic? What is better?

    For everyone asking, it is going to be something like an action-wizard card game.

  • GamerGon

    Thank's, you saved me ^^

  • Hello!

    I have some troubles with different instances of one object.

    When the player is overlapping 2 same objects and presses the button, the action will cause for both of them. What I wanted is that this action will either: 1. only happen to the first/last instance which you collide with or 2. cause if you overlapping one of the object. So if you are overlapping e.g. 2 instances of the object "enemy", it won't do the event.

    How is it possible to differ between different Instances of the object? I already added a Number variable which will identify them but don't know how to implement that.

  • Thank you all for the help!


    nice solution! (although I don't understand what you made there xD )

    I am going to try something out later

  • lamar

    Thank you for your help! That was one of my second thoughts since I don't know how to implement a self-drawn circle. (which would be more interactive I think)

    I guess I am going to stick something like this and see what it will look like!

  • lamar

    I wanted to draw it something like

    While Left Mouse is down

    -> spawn small circle every tick

    So it looks like that you are drawing.

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Member since 13 Aug, 2016

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