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  • Hi mystazsea

    Thanks you for your help, but it's still not what I'm looking for.

    This is an extract from one of the linked tutorials ...

    [quote:3f3fztne]2. Once the Javascript is downloaded (typically very quickly, since the code is small), the default loader appears. This is Construct 2's stock loading bar, which is typically a HTML5 logo with a blue progress bar. This is shown while the loader layout is itself loading. The default loader style can also be changed in Project Properties (see later).

    What I'm trying to ask, is whether there is any way to style the 'default' preloaded, which still appears when loading a 'Loader Layout'. There are only two styles to choose from for the default loader style, and I would love to find out how to customise them.

    I would just be happy, if I could change the blue bar colour and style the width and height, as well as the thickness of the border.

    Thanks again!

  • Hi mystazsea

    Thank you for the link, but what I'm looking to change is the default preload bar (blue bar).

    This still appears while loading the loader layout.

    Any ideas on how I could style this would be awesome (even if it means digging into code or using plains etc.)

    Thank you!

  • Hi guys

    Is there any way to change the way the preload bar looks?

    I've searched the forum, and found some threads where this feature was being added a couple of years back, but I can't find any concrete answers.

    Any advice would be awesome

    Thank you!

  • Hi guys

    I figure it out! Not really sure what exactly I was doing wrong, but now it works

    Thanks heaps for your help - you guys are awesome!

  • Hi guys

    BillAlex, SimoneT - Thank you heaps for your help! Sorry my question was a little confusing. I should not have used the term tile, as I'm actually using sprites.

    I still can't get this working tho - I have five letter sprites and trying to swap any two of them at a time. I've setup a 'family' called letters, and tried using the techniques from above, but no luck.

    What I have is ...

    On touched Family 'Letters' then add 1 to Counter

    (sub-event) if Counter = 0 then set Name to Letters.Name, set Num to Letters.AnimationFrame

    (sub-event) if Counter = 1 then set Name2 to Letters.Name, set Num2 to Letters.AnimationFrame

    ... what I'm struggling with is actually looping through the letters family and switching the frames.

    Thanks again for your help!

  • Hi guys

    I'm having trouble finding simple way to select 2 tiles (out of 5) and swap their animation frames.

    Tile One's frame becomes Two's current frame - and Tile Two's frame becomes Tile One's.

    Basically, this is to do a scramble puzzle. You have to select 2 tiles out of 5 until you reorganise them into the correct work.

    So far I have 5 tiles in a family called "tiles" which has the variable "name". Each tile is titled 1-5.

    Each tile is set to a frame from 1-26 (alphabet).

    If anyone can help, that would be awesome

    Thank you in advance!

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  • Hi spacedoubt

    It was a little time consuming, but I managed to get exactly what I need, using your suggestion.

    Thank you again for all your help!

    Ashley - if you guys would consider adding scaling to the pin behaviour or giving the option of scaling family objects according to a pin, and not just a registration point - I would be eternally grateful

  • Hi spacedoubt

    Thank you heaps for taking the time to make the sample. I will definitely use this technique in my games.

    The problem is that it still seems like a reasonably long winded workaround. The other issue is that I'm also tweeting individual body parts at random intervals, so at times the action points might clash.

    It gets quite complicated, and I feel like it would be a 100x easier with a group/container feature as described in my first post.

    I found 'Rex's plugins', which has 'pin to image point'.

    This however doesn't seem to load when I copy it into the plugins folder (must be an old/un-updated version).

    Thanks you again for your help!

  • Hi spacedoubt

    Thank you for your suggestion

    While you can scale the whole family as one, each body part seems to scale according to its registration point, and not where it is 'pinned' on the body.

    This is a problem, as the body parts end up in the wrong place.

    If you have any workarounds for this, it would be awesome.

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi Ashley

    Thank you for an awesome product, C2 rocks!

    I was wondering, if you guys would consider adding scaling to the pin behaviour?

    I'm used to working with code, and I could really use a 'container' feature in C2.

    Not the type of container, that C2 already uses, but something where you could add body parts to a group, and then move/scale as one.

    The pin behaviour works pretty well for this, but it lacks the scaling feature. If there was an option to scale in proportion with the parent sprite, this would solve a lot of my problems.

    I'm sure many of us would find this very useful

    Thank you!

  • Hi

    Thanks heaps for your detailed answer, it helps clear things up

  • Hi guys

    If I decide to make a game which has to versions of each level - SD and HD, and decide to load the correct layout depending on the users device resolution ...

    • Will the game only load the HD assets when needed? (if the device resolution is high enough)
    • Is there any point where the HD assets would be loaded into memory, if I'm asking to load the SD layouts only?

    I understand that the whole game size will be larger, but that issue aside - would this system work in supporting old and new devices?

    Thank you in advance!

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