Doc Unco's Recent Forum Activity

  • I finally found how to do it with the help of an helper on the Discord !

    The content of the JSON is the same than in the picture of the first post.

    Here is how :

    And the result :

    The tutorial part for the JSON is quite empty, you can do a lot with this plugin but it's really hard to understand by itself. I would love more tutorial about it.

  • Hi !

    I tried to load a JSON file into a dictionary but my dictionary is still empty after the load.

    I didn't find any tutorial on this, I just used what I found in the documentation about AJAX and Dictionary but think I'm missing something :<

    Link to the project file.

  • Thank you dude !

  • Hi,

    I have some difficulties to make an object move on the edge of the screen, it works but not perfectly.

    I'm detecting the mouse position and, depends on it position, the object will be on the top, bottom, left or right edge of the screen.

    When you move to the right and the object is on the right of the screen there is a small gap between the objet and the edge of the screen and i don't want it. : <

    I try to use scrollx+windowwidth/2 for set the Y of the object to the right edge but when i'm not on fullscreen it doesn't work.

    Any idea ?

    An exemple of my code :

    My capx:

  • Hi guys,

    I'm working on a shoot'em up with a match 3 feature and I created a detecting function for the match 3 feature. I'm using hexagonal cell so when i call this function my starting cell will create 6 objects to detect if there are others cells close to it. If it is, those cells will create another 6 objects and this process will continue until there are no more cell to collide with. This a huge process and I think it can be better but I don't know how. I'm using the same kind of function to detect isolated cells : all my wall cells create collider, if those objects collide with a cells they will spawn another 6 objects etc...

    Those functions create a huge FPS drop and i don't know how to fiw it. Maybe in creating less objects but i don't know how to detect where i don't need to create objects.

    Thank you in advance.

    My capx.

  • I managed to fix my problem : The problem cames from a bud use of an "Else".

  • There are some pictures of my chain system :

  • HI,

    I'm currently working on a Bubble Shooter-like and I manage to create a chain system to detect which gem of a colour is connected to another. It's not the best system but it's work, or more precisely : it's almost work. The player can shoot gems of 3 colours: Purple, Green and Yellow. My chain chain system works for the purple gems and the green gems but not for the yellow. They are detected but they're not deleted.

    There is my capx.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    My code works like this :

    When a gem is snap with ohers i create six objects where the gem can connect with others. If those objects touch a gem, the gem will be mark and spawn others objects until there is no more gem to connect with. After that all the gem connected are detroyed.

    This work for the Purple and the green but not for the yellow ones. The yellow ones are marked as picked but the function stop and don't mark them for being delete.

    See my capture below for a more clear explanation.

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  • Hi,

    I did a GameJam thiis week-end and i try to polish the game a little.

    I make the animation for the player character flashing when he is hit by an ennemy. There is no problem when my character is moving but when he stop moving the flash stop too. I don't understand why. A property of the Flash Behavior that I don't know ?

    This is a picture of Flash part of my capx :

    And this is my capx

  • Hi,

    I have a little problem with the Dash I create in my game. When you jump and you dash with the jumping button down , after the end of the dash the character will continue to go upward, like he was still jumping. Try to Jump and very fast after Dash with the jumping button still down and you will se it clearly. I try so much things to make that impossible to happened but no one had work.

    And I also want my character to be able to cancel his Dash with a Jump if the character hit an enemy. I think what I've done work but i'm not sure with this previous problem.

    Can somebody look at it ?

    There is my capx.

    Control :

    RIGHT : D

    LEFT : Q

    JUMP : J

    DASH : K

  • HEROES LEFTOVERS : Road to RPG #6 - Our Garden

    Sorry for last week. Due to lack of connection i wasn’t able to upload the new prototype. But I’m happy to add a very important part this week : the Leftovers ! Launch the game and you will see what it’s about. Basically the characters are created with differents body parts. I didn’t have the time to add the stats linked to the Leftovers but it will come soon I hope. As well as a new background, a new story and new sprites for the ennemies too !

    New features :

    - Leftovers : Discover Frankenstein’s children !

    • New story : Protect the garden of two innocent creatures.
    • New sprites : Skeletons invade a tiny backyards !

    The project keeps going, I’m happy and I hope you will be too.

  • Few new things this week, not too much time to work on it. : (

    New features :

    - Visual Effects : Each attack now has a visual effect.

    • Artificial Inteligence : Ennemies will now not only attack PInguin 1.
    • Move : a small bug has been fixed.

    And that's for you. : )

    Try it here !

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Doc Unco

Member since 27 Jul, 2012

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