DeerDeityStudios everyone learns differently but there are a ton of resources out there. Take a look at some of the Tutorial Courses, these are either text or video tutorials to make all sorts of different things. Plus Vimlark has a great set of video tutorials that includes a simple use for arrays.
As for animations, have a look at some of the example projects on the Start Page to see how they've been set up - like this Ladder Climbing one for instance. Viridino Studios who make a bunch of them use a common method for animations which involves having two separate objects for the player, a square base and a sprite that actually animates. This old tutorial of mine covers that in a slightly more complicated manner, but it might help. If I remember rightly, the Monk Fight tutorial might cover 'Zones' too, but not 100% sure if that will be what you're looking for.
As some of the others have said, just jumping in and trying things is a great way to learn. And writing down what I'm trying to achieve in the most simple manner possible (i.e. when this button is pressed > player walks forward, animation plays) can then help identify what events you might need.
As an aside.
vova777 please don't hijack someone else's thread with an unrelated question. And you can find keyboard shortcuts in the manual.